To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,5

any help?”

“Toby is helping, and his sister’s boyfriend, Desi, is too. I’m always open to more help if you’re free tomorrow or the next day.”

“Yeah, I’ll call you when I’m free, and you can tell me where to go. Did you ask Ledger?”

Shane’s eyes shifted over to the vacant stage, and his cheeks pinked. “No,” he whispered.

“Oh, well, I’ll see if he and Ciro have any time, and we can all get you settled.”

Shane nodded, thanking me as he grabbed his coat and headed out. I took the moment while it was quiet to wipe the bar down and make sure I had everything I needed for the night.

It was close to midnight, and things were running as smooth as ever, when two guys I’d never seen before stepped up to the bar. Now, it wasn’t strange to see unfamiliar faces. People passed through a lot, but what was odd was that they were dressed in suits—expensive suits. Mostly people wore clubbing outfits unless it was a themed night. Part of me wanted to call Ciro, using the earpiece we all had, and ask if he had info on them, but one of the guys started talking to me.

“Hey there, can we get two Heinekens?” I nodded, keeping a close eye on them as they scanned the club. I opened the fridge, pulled out two bottles, popped them open, and handed them over. One of them gave me a hundred-dollar bill. “Keep the change,” he said with a smirk.

I had no chance to remark because they walked away. I pressed the button on my earpiece to talk to Ciro. “Hey, two guys in suits, what the hell?”

“I saw them. Kenny let ’em in; I got eyes on them inside.” Kenny was a new security guy, not bad but he didn’t understand so well what “out of place” looked like.

“Well, they gave me a hundred for two beers.”

“Yeah, okay, tell me if there’s anything else out of place. I’ll let Atlas and the others know.” I had very little time to dwell on the guys right then because the bar was crowded, and I had to work.

I didn’t see them again that night, and Ciro said they left after only being there for maybe an hour. Either way, they were on Ciro’s radar. After all the shit Vick put Joker’s Sin through, we didn’t ignore anything suspicious or out of place, and those guys were out of place. I hoped they were just passing through, and we were being overly paranoid—it was always possible.

I finished off for the night, and I caught up with Ciro as I was walking to my motorcycle.

“Kenny scanned their IDs, so I have them on file. Something about them doesn’t sit right with me,” Ciro said.

I didn’t know much about Ciro’s past, but he clearly wasn’t a man to be trifled with. He knew people—had connections—and there wasn’t a doubt in my mind he knew how to kill a man with his pinky and a cotton ball.

“Hopefully we’re being paranoid,” I said as I straddled my bike and grabbed my helmet. “Hey, before I go, Shane’s moving. Any chance you can help tomorrow?”

Ciro nodded. “Yeah, I can help in the morning.”

“Great, I’ll let him know and text you the info.” I started my bike, and Ciro walked to his car. All the way home I couldn’t get those guys out of my head. Why are they giving me such a bad feeling in my gut?

“Why’d you cut your hair?” Toby asked me as we carried boxes into Shane’s new apartment.

“My nephew.” I laughed thinking about it. “While I was watching him last week, he dropped his lollipop in my hair. Not easy to get out and by the time I did, it was a mess. So, I cut it.”

“Looks good, though.” Toby smiled as he set his box down.


Toby, Ciro, Desi, Shane, and I got mostly everything over to Shane’s new place before I had to get home, shower, and head to work. Ledger said he’d help the following day with Atlas, so I knew Shane would get settled in nicely.

There was no themed night tonight, so I threw on black jeans, a white shirt, and my leather coat. Simple was my go-to style. While I loved Sparkles’s fashion, I knew that was because he wore it, and I honestly couldn’t imagine him in anything that didn’t pop. I hadn’t seen him at the club last night, so hopefully he’d be there tonight. I was nothing Copyright 2016 - 2024