To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,36

bones. I knew I had another six months on my lease, and knowing Dorian owned the building now made me realize how badly I wanted to get out of there.

After making sure Tank was fed and doing okay, I quickly showered and dressed for the day. I knew Dorian had said Tank couldn’t come to the studio, but I had no intention of listening to him. Tank still couldn’t be alone, and after last night I wasn’t sure I’d see Dorian just yet. Maybe he’d be off licking his wounds.

Of course, Dorian wasn’t one to let anyone best him. Question was, would he blame me or Max for last night’s shit show? Either way, I was sure when Dorian retaliated, it would be extremely unpleasant.

I got to work, and I was glad that there was no time to talk with Alexandra or Nolan before my class started. I set Tank up in my office with water, his bed, and a small bone to gnaw on, shut the door, and started with my first class for the day. We were doing a NeverEnding Story dance that was proving to be difficult, but I was optimistic they’d get it together.

“I’m going to get some coffee,” Nolan said after the last dancer left. “Would you like anything?”

“I’d love a sweet tea.” He nodded and left. Alexandra was currently at the post office, so I took the time to sweep the floor and wipe down the barre before the next class.

The sound of the bells indicating someone was coming in made me turn. I thought it would be Alexandra but instead it was Dorian…and two of his men.

“Are you all alone?” Dorian looked around, even though his patronizing tone told me he knew I was. “No big bad bartender to come to your defense?”

“Dorian, don’t you see? Coming here as some sort of revenge tactic was a bad idea. I’ve made a life here with people who care about me—”

“Oh, please. If they knew what a slut you were, how money-hungry you were, and all the shit you’ve done, do you think they’d all still love you?” He took a few steps closer to me. I gripped the broom in my hand ready to use it if I had to. “Do you think Max would still think you’re some innocent and sweet virgin?”

I wanted to laugh because while I knew Max wanted me, there was no way he assumed I was a virgin.

“I just want this, and you, to go away. So tell me what you want, Dorian?”

He chuckled and peered over at his men, who just shook their heads at me. “Oh, Lane, I already told you I’d let you know when I’m done with you.”

“Oh, Dorian,” I sighed. “I think Haven Hart is too big a beast for you. This isn’t your stomping ground. There are bigger fish here, and you got yourself banned from the most popular club in the whole town. Don’t you think that news will travel?”

Dorian tilted his head left and right, cracking his neck before he spoke. “You’re going to get Atlas Durand to take that back.”

I couldn’t stop the laugh that burst out of me. “What makes you think I have control over what he does with his own club?”

“I don’t care what you say or have to do…” His gaze traveled over my body. “But I hear that facility your mom stays at is looking for a new owner. Make it happen, or I might just put in a bid.”

I stood there, frozen. I couldn’t let him get his claws into that place. “Fine.”

“Good boy.” He turned, signaled for his guys to follow, and left.

Long after he was gone I remained, unmoving in silence, wondering what the hell I was going to do.

Chapter Twenty-One


“So, where are you taking this invisible guy?” Frances asked me as she sat on my bed, watching me getting my shoes on.

“Invisible guy?”

She shrugged. “I mean, Ma said he was here last night, even said she talked to him. But alas, when we stormed in here this morning, there was no one. Thus, making me conclude he must be invisible, and Ma is losing her mind.”

“Whatever you do, don’t try and become a detective, because you’d suck at it,” I joked as I grabbed my motorcycle jacket.

“Wait!” She blocked the door. “You’re not taking your bike, are you?”

“Why do you care?” I tried to get by her, but she was like an immovable force.

“It’s cold out, he’ll freeze.”

“I thought he was Copyright 2016 - 2024