To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,30

when I had him pinned to the wall, he basically called Sparkles a slut.”

Sparkles winced and I wanted to apologize, but Atlas had already started talking.

“Right. That’s why I told Dorian he was to leave my establishment. I have never seen him here before, and you’ve never caused me issues. So, he’s banned until further notice.”

“Is he going to press charges?” I asked.

“No. I told him if he pressed charges against you, I’d do the same in return for damaging my bathroom.”

I frowned, thinking that it appeared fine when I was in there. “Nothing was wrong with the bathroom.”

“Funny, that’s what he said.” Atlas smiled. “I think he got what I was saying.”

“Thank you, Atlas.” Sparkles put his hand on Atlas’s arm, and when the big guy hugged him, a pang of jealousy hit me right in the heart. I wanted to hug Sparkles.

“Look, Max, I think it’s best you head on home,” Atlas said.

“But we’ve still got a few hours left in the night.”

“Yeah, I need you to cool down, though. Just go on home.”

“I’m going to go home too. Can you let my friend Nolan know?” Sparkles asked Atlas.

“Sure thing.”

Sparkles walked over to me. “Take me to my car?”

Nodding, I followed Atlas and Sparkles out. Atlas moved toward the bar, but I took Sparkles through the back, so he wouldn’t have to amble through the throngs of people. The second we stepped outside, I cursed. It was pouring rain. I hadn’t known the weather called for rain—otherwise, I would’ve taken my truck and not my bike.

“Shoot, I’ll have to make a run for it,” Sparkles said. He looked over to me and over to my very soaked bike. “Why don’t I give you a ride home?”

“Thanks. That’d be nice. I can take my truck tomorrow to pick up my bike. Let me just cover it, so maybe I can salvage it a bit.”

Sparkles nodded and waited while I covered her up. When my bike was secured, we ran to his Jeep and hopped in. It was a freezing kind of rain and since it was unexpected, neither of us had an umbrella and we were soaking wet.

“Oh, let me get the heat on. Damn, so fucking cold.” Sparkles started his Jeep and blasted the heat. We sat there for a minute until the warmth began to seep into us. “Okay, now if you put the address into my GPS, I can get you home.”

“Or I can just tell you how to get there.”

He pulled onto the street. “I just figured you’d want to relax.”

“Thanks, I’m fine. I’ll tell you how to get to my place.”

We didn’t talk aside from me telling him how to get to my house. I knew my ma would be awake and ask why I was home so early. I couldn’t lie to her to save my life. The woman was a human lie detector. We pulled into the driveway, and the outside light turned on.

“Wow, nice house,” Sparkles said with a smile.

“Thanks. It’s actually my ma’s house. My dad died a while back, and my sisters and I sort of banded together to help her. We paid the mortgage off because she doesn’t work. She never has, but she volunteers everywhere. Between all of us, we keep the lights on.”

“That’s…I didn’t expect that.”

“You assumed I had some sort of bachelor pad, didn’t you?”

Sparkles chuckled. “Guilty.”

“I thought about it. But when my sister Teresa married and moved out, I couldn’t leave. Maria and Frances work and help, but I pull in a lot from the club. If I left they’d feel that, even if I gave them money. I’d still need to deduct to keep whatever new place I got.”

Sparkles nodded. “I get it. Moms are like these precious gifts. Sons do everything they can to keep them happy.” I was about to ask Sparkles about his family, but someone tapped on the window.

I turned to see my ma standing there with a huge umbrella, waving. “Come inside, I made a cake, and I’ll put coffee up.” She walked away then, not giving me a chance to tell her Sparkles was just dropping me off.

“I’m sorry. She’s a meddler. She’s also Italian and feels the need to constantly feed people. I’ll tell her you had to go.”

“Well, I don’t mind…I mean that is if you don’t mind? I do love cake after all.”

“You want to go in? I mean, she’s nosy. She will pry things out of you…She’s relentless.”

Sparkles laughed as he opened his Copyright 2016 - 2024