To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,28

Nolan had issues with Max, but I’d talked with him and told him he was a good guy and to please just be nice.

“I was.” Okay, he didn’t snap at Max, so that was good.

“You were really good. What can I get you?” That seemed to file the edges of Nolan’s hostility, and he ordered the same as I did.

I wished Max could talk with us, and that was a weird feeling since I usually spent most of my time avoiding him. It was strange what a few run-ins with the man could do.

“I just need to use the bathroom; I’ll be right back. Watch my drink?” I handed it to Nolan, who said he would, and made my way to the restroom.

The line moved fast and when it was my turn, only a stall was available. I didn’t care; I went to it quickly. I did my business and just when I unlocked the stall, it was pushed open.

“Jesus, I was getting out, what’s your—” My words were cut off as Dorian forced his way into the stall and locked it.

“Quite the show you put on tonight.” He was pressed up against me; the stall wasn’t made for two people. Being this close to him was unnerving, and it was loud to the point where if I screamed, no one would hear me, or they’d think it was me getting off in here.

“Glad you liked it. Can you move so I can get out?”

“Why are you in such a hurry…Sparkles?” He placed his hand on my chest, making sure I didn’t move. He’d figured out what they called me here, tainting the name. When he spoke that name, it was like blood over diamonds.

“Do you want a cookie for making a discovery, Dorian?” I snapped, and he pressed harder and harder.

“How about not being so lippy?”

My chest was beginning to ache, and I knew what he was capable of. He’d cut off my air until I passed out and would leave me here.

“What do you want?” I gasped.

“Just to watch you, like this…needing me to allow you to breathe.” He narrowed his eyes, lips set in a frown.

I wouldn’t allow myself to be his punching bag again. I looked down, and realizing my knee was between his legs, I jolted it up, connecting with his balls.

“Motherfucker!” he shouted as he let me go and cupped his nuts. When he sat on the toilet, I unlocked the door and made to leave. Right as I was stepping out, he kicked behind my legs, causing me to fall and slam my cheek on the floor.

“Damn, man, are you okay?” A guy kneeled to help me up.

“Yeah, I’m just—”

“Bleeding,” the guy said as the stall door slammed shut. I hoped one of Dorian’s balls exploded and he died in there.

“I slipped.”

The guy didn’t look convinced at all. “Yeah, let’s get you some ice.”

I didn’t want to make a big deal out of this, but I also wanted to get away from Dorian and if I was with this guy, then maybe Dorian’s men wouldn’t try and stop me.

“My friend is at the bar with my drink.” The guy nodded at me and helped me over to Nolan and Seth.

“What the hell happened?” Nolan hopped off his stool, handed the drinks to Seth, and took my hand.

“I slipped.”

The guy who walked me over rolled his eyes. “He was pushed by some dude.”

“What guy?” Seth asked, placing the drinks on the bar and getting one of the bartenders for ice and a wet cloth. It was only a matter of time until Max heard about this.

“I don’t know who, the guy slammed the stall door. But he stormed into the men’s room after this one went in and went into the stall. Few minutes later, this guy gets pushed out.” “This guy,” for fuck’s sake.

“I’m fine.” I let Seth check me out because it might shut everyone up.

“No chipped teeth or anything, it seems. Here let me wipe the blood and then hold the ice to your cheek.” I shut up and let him do as he wanted. Nolan was talking to the guy who had helped me. Good looking with a hippy vibe. I’d seen him around a few times but he wasn’t my type so we never talked until now.

“Is he still in there?” The sound of Max’s voice had me turning toward him. Anger like I’d never seen filled his eyes. It was like a storm.

“I uh…maybe?” the guy said, and Copyright 2016 - 2024