To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,20

all twisted in your brain. You judged me the second you saw me and because, yeah I found you hot, still do, you think my dick is the only thing that rules me?”

“And when or how have you proved otherwise?” he countered.

“When did you ever give me a chance, Sparkles?”

He huffed. “I’ve seen you flirt and fuck your way through Joker’s Sin and probably half of Haven Hart. Don’t act like I’m making a blind judgment here.”

“Oh, excuse me.” I held up both hands. “I didn’t realize liking and having sex made me repulsive.”

“I didn’t say that it made you repulsive.”

I knew our voices were rising, and I really did want to calm the mood and get to the point of me coming back in here, but every time Sparkles spoke, he twisted the conversation, and I had to address what he was saying.

“You compared me to herpes and told Nolan to sanitize himself if he came near me. So, tell me how that’s not making me out to sound repulsive?”

“You’re infuriating!” Sparkles stomped his foot, which I’d be lying if I said wasn’t adorable.

“And you’re trying to make me forget why I came in here. Well, sorry, sugar lips, that’s a no-go. So tell me I’m wrong, and that guy didn’t make you uncomfortable. Tell me it’s all in my head, and I read the situation wrong. Do that, and I’ll leave, and I won’t bother you again.” I stared into his determined eyes, saw the lies swirling there, and I had no idea how he’d answer.

“He’s my new landlord.”

I was not expecting that. I mean sure, I guess if he didn’t like him, but that guy, Dorian, didn’t look like a typical landlord.

“Your landlord? And what, he’s an ass?”

“Why do you think he’s an ass?” Sparkles’s brows furrowed, and a tiny wrinkle formed in the middle of his forehead, and I wanted to press my lips against it so much.

“Because you do.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Max. You don’t even know the guy. He’s just my new landlord, and I’m not keen on new people. I worry about my business, that’s all. You’re reading into things that aren’t there.”

Sparkles made logical sense. It was not impossible to assume I was wrong. Maybe this Dorian guy was talking about raising rent or something. That would make anyone afraid or not like a guy.

“Fine,” I said and stepped around him toward the door.

“What, that’s it, you’re leaving?”

I grasped the doorknob and looked over my shoulder. “Yeah, I was obviously reading too much into things. I apologize for intruding on something that clearly isn’t my business.” I opened the door and started walking out. I stepped onto the studio floor and saw Nolan’s head pop up.

“So you’re leaving?” Sparkles said as he followed me.

“Uh, yeah? I mean it makes sense, but not all of it. I mean there were two guys that came into Joker’s Sin, they work for your landlord. I assumed they were…” I wave my hand. “Forget it, obviously they’re new in town, and they were checking the place out. I’m paranoid.”

“We live in Haven Hart. Being paranoid is like a constant state of being here.” Sparkles chuckled.

“Yeah, I guess. Well, I won’t keep you. See ya.” I waved at Nolan as I passed, and he ignored me. Fine.

As I straddled my bike and put my helmet on, I gave one last look at Sparkles’s studio. He was watching me and gave a tiny wave. I nodded, started my bike, and drove off home. Sparkles made it clear what he thought of me, and it was high time I let it go. He’d never want anything to do with me, and that was fine. I was a big boy. I’d get over Sparkles.

Chapter Twelve


The following week was spent practicing for the charity show at Joker’s Sin. I spoke with Atlas as promised and had gone to the club a few times this week. I wasn’t sure if I was relieved that Max was treating me like every other patron or sad that he didn’t brighten when he looked at me anymore.

I always enjoyed our banter, and while I tingled with want of being with Max, the feeling that he used sex for something other than joy was my issue. And I realized how much it was my issue. I’d used sex to get by, to gain money, to make a life for me and my mother. I assumed so many were like me…mostly Max.

I didn’t know how or when Copyright 2016 - 2024