To Die For - Davidson King Page 0,16

there, and I decided to just do as I was told, so I didn’t freak the poor man out anymore.

I sat in the room as parents gathered their children and left. I didn’t dare move, and I wasn’t convinced the cops hadn’t been called. I was about to text Atlas and tell him this was a bad idea when Sparkles walked out.

“Max?” He appeared confused.

“So you do know this man?” the one I terrified asked.

“Yes. Nolan, this is Max—he works at Joker’s Sin.”

Nolan nodded. “He’s odd.”

“Yes, well, he’s a lot of things.” Sparkles chuckled and Nolan walked away.

“Sorry to bother you at work,” I said as I stood and held out the blue paper. “Atlas asked me to stop by, see if you’d be interested in this and maybe some of your dance folks or whatever. Maybe you know people.”

He took the paper, a smirk on his face as he read it. “Wow, this is actually genius.”

“Yeah, well, anyway, you can let Atlas know or—”

“I’ll happily do it. I happen to know the perfect act for it, and I may know a few people who would want in…” He trailed off for a second. “There’s not a lot of time. But leave it with me, and I’ll see what I can do.”

“I’m sure whatever you do, it’ll be great.”

It was slightly weird seeing Sparkles like this. The atmosphere of all our interactions was at Joker’s Sin, and briefly outside his apartment building. I felt like I was looking at the real Sparkles…No, this was Lane. Almost like two different people. His hair was still hot pink, but his face was free of makeup, he had dance attire on, and he wasn’t giving me biting remarks.

“Let Atlas know I’ll call him later, if that’s all right? I have a full day of classes.” He folded the paper.

“Well, if you’re at Joker’s Sin tonight, you can always talk to him then.” I shrugged, trying to give off a “whatever” vibe. I didn’t want Sparkles to know I wanted to see him, but from the twinkle in his eye, I suspected he caught on.

“I’ll be there tomorrow. I have class until ten tonight; I’ll be far too exhausted.”

The tinkling of the chimes when the door to the studio opened sounded, pulling us from our strange staring contest. I heard Nolan ask if he could help someone.

“You have another class now?” I asked.

Sparkles was about to answer when a deep voice spoke, making him freeze.

“I’m Dorian Birch. Lane is expecting me.”

The confident and sassy Sparkles I knew changed before my eyes when that man spoke. It almost appeared like he was afraid, uncomfortable.

“You okay?” I took a step closer to Sparkles so no one could hear us.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I didn’t eat breakfast, I’m a little shaky is all.” I knew he was lying, and part of me wanted to protect Sparkles. Get him out of there.

“When’s your next class? We can go grab a quick bite.” I gave him a smile, hoping he’d mirror it, but at that moment someone walked over.

“Lane? Are you ready for our meeting?” the man, Dorian, I assumed, said.

Sparkles looked down and took a noticeable breath. I didn’t like seeing him like this, and it made me react.

“Seems someone double-booked him for the morning. I’m Max Fazio.” I took another step and was now between Sparkles and Dorian and I held out my hand.

“Good morning, Mr. Fazio. I’m Dorian Birch.” He tried to see behind me, but my broadness was blocking Sparkles. “You and Lane have an appointment?”

“We do.”

I was surprised Sparkles wasn’t snapping at me to shut up and mind my business, but that also told me he didn’t want to talk to this man.

“Perhaps you can push it to lunch? Lane planned this meeting with me last night, and I am booked up for the rest of the day.” Dorian’s smile was sharklike. I hated him and I didn’t even know him.

“Max,” Sparkles whispered. “It’s fine. I’m okay.”

“But you need to eat and—”

“I’ll make sure Lane eats,” Dorian said.

I turned so my back was now to Dorian, and I put my lips to Sparkles’s ear. “I don’t want to leave you with this guy. I can get rid of him.”

Sparkles’s cyan eyes looked up at me, a small smile playing on his lips. “Go. Really, I’ll be fine.” I went to say something else, but he stopped me. “I need you to go, Max, please.”

I wanted to argue with Sparkles. I hated this feeling, but I Copyright 2016 - 2024