Diamonds Are Forever - Brooke St. James Page 0,20

conjoined rooms, and probably twenty kids spread out throughout both of them but Blake was the only one who was bawling, so it was easy to figure out who he was.

I didn't stop walking until we got right up to him. I made eye contact with the girl, the hired babysitter, who was holding him. I reached out for him, and she gladly handed him over.

"Oh, my goodness, are you Blake?"

I held him close, comforting him and speaking quietly, making myself sound vulnerable and a little like I was in a hurry. I walked into the corner of the room, moving slowly and swaying gently with him in my arms.

"My name is Lucy. I'm here with your Uncle Drew, he's right here with me. You can see him. Hey, Blake, I could really use your help on a mission. Drew was telling me you're really brave and smart, and I need some help. Can you help me find something special, please, something that I lost?"

I was speaking with enough quiet urgency that my intention cut through his crying fit. He became quiet as he contemplated what I was saying. He picked his head up, looking at Drew as if checking to see if my story checked out. He started to wiggle in my arms in a way that let me know he was about to begin having a fit again.

"Oh, please, you're my only hope, Blake. I've got to find my rock! Can you please help me? It was really smooth, and it was just my favorite rock in the whole world. I need it for my pocket. I lost it right outside. Can you help me find it, please? I'll make you a deal. You help me find my lucky rock, and I'll give you a sucker."

Blake relaxed a little, staring at me. I could tell he knew what I was saying when I offered candy.

He looked at Drew for confirmation, and Drew nodded. "If she knows where to get one," Drew said.

"I have one in my purse," I said. "Multiple. I know I have grape. I might have cherry and orange, too. I usually have a bunch in there. Do you want to look and see what colors I have?"

Blake pulled back, searching me for the stash.

"How about this… let me set you down. We can look in my purse. I'll let you pick out a sucker and then we'll go outside and you can help me find my rock."

He nodded, but he was still shaken from that fit, and he took gasps of air, breathing three or four of them in a row. Drew just stood back and watched us quietly. I was glad he was there, because it made Blake trust me. There were other kids around, but they had been flocking to the other side of the room on account of Blake's screaming, and no one was anywhere near us. I got situated beside Blake and gingerly pulled four suckers out of my purse.

"There's a root beer, a cherry, and two grapes," I said, holding them out. "I knew there would be a grape," I added. "You know why?" I paused, looking at Blake.

"Why?" he said. (Gasp, gasp, gasp.)

"Because I saw it in there earlier. It's my favorite flavor, so I always look for it." I smiled at him and held the lollipops in my palm for him to choose one. Of course, he chose the cherry. I knew he would.

"I like cherry too," I said. I held it close to his pocket like I was trying to help him hide it. "Hold onto it," I added, whispering and looking around. "Put it in your pocket, so the other kids can't see, and save it for when we get outside. I would share with everyone, but I don't think I have enough." I helped him get it into his pocket as I continued speaking. "Listen, we'll go outside. You can eat your sucker, and I'll tell you a story while we look for my rock. I know a really good story about a bear and a turtle who made friends."

Aside from some sporadic, almost silent gasps, Blake had completely stopped crying. We waved at the babysitters, checking in with them on our way out, but they were so relieved to have the crying stopped that they just smiled and waved at us.

We left the kids room, heading in the opposite direction of the party. I looked at Drew right when we made it outside. "Blake Copyright 2016 - 2024