Devoured - Cathryn Fox Page 0,52

I look toward the hall leading to the washrooms. What is taking Peyton so long? A knot coils in my stomach. Jesus, I hope she’s not sick again. I’m about to stand, go to her, when she comes from the hall, her face a little pale.

What the hell?

She hurries to her chair. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, that girl who was staring followed me to the bathroom. She asked who I was to you. I told her you were my husband, and she said you were old friends.”

I turn and see the woman coming from the bathroom, headed our way. Holy shit. Here comes trouble.

Anna’s eyes go wide, and she holds her arms out to me, a big surprised smile on her face. I stand and bring her in for a hug.

“Anna, it’s so nice to see you. It’s been a long time.”

“Too long, clearly,” she says, her gaze going from me to Peyton, back to me again. “I saw you two earlier, and let me say, it comes as quite a surprise to find out you’re married. Lucy never said a word to me about it.”

My throat tightens. “It was a fast ceremony, and we’ve been keeping things quiet.”

Her dark eyes narrow in on me, and my stomach twists. “Are you saying your family doesn’t know?”

I smooth my hand over my tie. “We prefer to keep it that way, for now.”

She laughs, but it holds no humor. “Oh, Roman, what kind of mess have you gotten yourself into?”

“No mess at all.” I force a laugh. “You know my family. They wouldn’t give the newlyweds a minute to themselves. We’ll tell them when we’re ready.”

“Yes, I suppose you will,” she says, and casts Peyton a glance. “It was lovely meeting you, Peyton. Let’s see if you can keep his interest. He tires of relationships very easily. Prepare yourself.” Before Peyton can respond, Anna flips her long black hair over her shoulder and saunters away.

I sit back down and blow out a breath. “Shit.”

“This isn’t good, is it?”


“What happened between you two?”

“We dated but we were teenagers. She’s a friend of Lucy’s and has chased me forever. I was never really that interested, but Lucy wanted me to take her out, so I did. It was brief, and I broke it off before she could think we were going somewhere with it. I’m pretty sure she was more interested in my family name than me.”

“I think she hates you.” She gives a low, slow whistle. “If looks could kill.”

“I know.” I rub the knot in the back of my neck, tension tightening my muscles. “Trouble is coming, Peyton.”


“Trouble in the name of Aurora, Lucy, Maria, Emma and Bianca.”

She leans toward me, clutching her napkin. “You think she’s going to tell your sisters?”

“Is she on her phone?”

She looks over my shoulder and grimaces. “Yeah, looks like she’s texting.” I shake my head, my appetite gone as Peyton wrings her cloth napkin. “Want to get out of here?” Peyton asks.

“Only if you do.”

“Why don’t we get our food to go and eat at the park. Somewhere private?”

“Okay.” I call the server over and tell him our change of plans. Ten minutes later we’re walking the downtown streets and heading to the park for a picnic. My phone has been going off in my pocket for the last five minutes, but I just ignore it. I can’t answer them until I figure out what it is I’m going to say. We grab a seat at a picnic table, and I hand Peyton her take-out container with her penne chicken. I settle in beside her and I dig into my ravioli as she stabs a piece of pasta.

With her fork halfway to her mouth, Peyton says, “You’re going to have to answer them, Roman.”

“I know, but I’m going to need a full stomach for the wrath that is about to come down on me.” She nods and my mind races as we eat in silence for a few more minutes. The sun dips lower in the sky, and the streetlights begin to flicker on.

“This food is delicious,” Peyton says, breaking the quiet.

“I know, right? That’s why it’s my favorite.”

She lifts her head when a family of four saunters by. A smile touches her mouth. “Your family has other properties here in Malta?”

I nod. “I have some really fond memories from my childhood here.”

Her smile widens and she sets her fork down and pushes her container away. “That’s so nice.”

“Come on, let’s walk.” I gather up our trash Copyright 2016 - 2024