Devoured - Cathryn Fox Page 0,49

Not denying that I’m a bachelorette for life, but you’ve already gone above and beyond for me.” I glance over my shoulder. “I’d better get inside. The second bell just sounded. I can take over now.”

“Nice way to change the subject,” he says with a snicker. “We’ll talk about it tonight, then.” He inches back. “And I’m finishing the day off with the kids. You go home and rest.”

“Home is boring.”

Without you.

“Go for a swim, and if you really are feeling better, why don’t you do a search on restaurants, and we’ll go out to eat tonight and do some sightseeing.”

“I’d love that.”

He kisses my forehead, takes a fast glance around and gives my backside a little whack. “Go.”

I yelp. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. I’m actually having fun teaching these kids how to code. They really seem to enjoy it.”

“Okay, if you’re sure. I’ll head back and find a nice place to eat tonight.”

We walk back to the school, our bodies close, our knuckles brushing, and it’s insane how much I miss his touch, his closeness, when he disappears inside. My phone pings and I welcome the distraction.

I smile when I see the call is coming from Carly. I quickly slide my finger across the screen. “Hey, Carly, I’ve been meaning to call you.”

“Uh-huh. You get married and forget all about your best friend,” she teases, her voice light and full of laughter.

“Very funny. I’ve been crazy busy.”

“Doing what? Playing house with New York High Society’s Most Eligible Italian? The man is unbelievably hot. The pictures in the paper don’t do him justice.”

“I don’t think of him that way.” Her laugh of disbelief nearly deafens me. “Okay fine, he’s hot.”

“Oh my God,” she says.

“What?” I ask.

“You slept with him.”

I glance over my shoulder. I’m not sure why. Maybe I expect Richard to be leaning in to hear the call. I lower my voice and say, “So what if I did?”

“Peyton,” she screeches. “That is awesome.”

“Yeah, it kind of was, or is...because we’re still doing it.”

“Tell me everything.”

I laugh. “Let’s just say, it’s possible he’s ruined me for every other man.”

“Is he, you know?”

I frown and saunter down the sidewalk, sneezing as I pass the foliage I seem to be allergic to. “No, I don’t know.”

“Is he big?” she blurts out, and I cover my mouth.

“I’m not telling you that.”

“Like hell you’re not, and actually you don’t have to. I already know he is. I can tell by your voice.”

“Going all Freud on me again, are you? How are things back there?”

“Same,” she says. “But I want to hear about you.”

“Things are going really good.” A mortified sound crawls out of my throat. “You’re not going to believe this, though...” I begin and for the next ten minutes, as I make my way back to the villa, I fill her in on where I’m living, how Roman took care of me last night and jumped in to help out with the students.

“Wow, what a guy. He almost sounds too good to be true.”

“I know, right? But he’s my brother’s best friend and said he’d do whatever it took to help me get this job.” She goes quiet, too quiet, and my stomach squeezes as I press in the code to open the front door. “What?” I ask.

“You like him.”

“Yeah, he’s okay,” I say as need wells up inside me. Honest to God, I do like him, a lot. I always have. But I swore long ago I’d never give anyone the power to hurt me. Is that what I’m doing here? Have I given Roman the power to hurt me?

My entire body tenses, and the toast I washed down with tea threatens to make a second appearance.

“How does he feel about you, Peyton?” she asks, her voice changing as she goes into professional mode.

“I’m not a patient, Carly. Please don’t analyze this. We’re just two consenting adults, having a little fun while we pretend to be married.”

“I just don’t want to see you hurt.”

I step inside the villa, and the cool air-conditioning falls over me, although I’m not sure that’s the reason I’m shivering. “I’m a big girl. I know what I’m doing.”

I don’t.

Not even a little bit.

“Okay, my morning break is over. I have a patient waiting. Call me soon.”

“Will do.”

I end the call and fight off the unease circling my stomach. I grab my laptop and do a search on restaurants. I find one not too far, make a reservation and head upstairs to get ready. I want to look Copyright 2016 - 2024