Devoured - Cathryn Fox Page 0,27

and make sure every child feels cherished. Whatever she needs from me, she gets.

“Sounds great to me,” I say, and the smile that splits her lips is enough to destroy any man. My heart tumbles a little in my chest, and I give a big swallow.

You’re here to help her, dude, maybe engage in a few marital benefits, and nothing else.

“It’s settled then. Let’s go say hello to your students.”

I put my hands on her shoulders. “Wish me luck,” she says.

“You don’t need it. You’ve got this, Peyton.” I bend and press my lips to hers. I brush her mouth lightly, and at first the public display of affection startles her. Within seconds, she warms to my touch, to the show I’m putting on—or at least I’m trying to convince myself it’s all for show and simply for our small audience. Peyton’s mouth lingers beneath mine, like she’s in no hurry to pull away, and I slowly break free and pull myself up to my full height. Paula, clearly one never to be outdone, goes up on her toes and kisses her husband.

I put my mouth close to Peyton’s ear and a quiver goes through her. “I’ll be at home, waiting for you,” I say. She nods, but the surprised yet appreciative look that comes over her face is a fast reminder that outside of her brother, this woman has never been able to count on anyone. I want her to be able to count on me.

Peyton casts a quick glance over her shoulder and I give her a little “you got this” nod as Andrew leads them from the room. It warms my heart and reminds me there really is still a lot of good in this world. Her brother must be so proud of the woman she’s become. He just needs to realize she is a woman and not a small, parentless child he has to protect due to a neglectful grandmother, followed by years in the system.

Speaking of siblings.

My phone pings in my pocket and I don’t have to check it to know it’s my sister, Aurora. I gave them all personalized rings. I toy with the phone and fight down a burst of unease as Peyton and Richard follow the principal out the door. I hope Andrew didn’t excuse himself so he could put a call in to his old college buddy—my sister’s husband. Shit, if word of this gets out, all Peyton’s hard work, hopes and dreams will go down the toilet. I can’t let that happen.

I’m about to leave when Paula lifts her head, her eyes narrow. “I can’t quite figure it out, but you look so familiar. Have we met before?”



I SIT AT the front of the class and my insides are aflutter as all the little ones pack up their belongings and get ready to head home. My day was amazing. Meeting such wonderful children all eager to learn a new language. I’m in a different country yet deep inside, I feel oddly connected to it, like it’s where I belong. Strange, I know, considering I’ve never belonged anywhere before.

Throughout the day I had to dig deep to recall my years of Italian studies. Maybe I should ask Roman to speak to me in his mother tongue to keep me on top of my game. I pack my briefcase and wave to the children as they file from the classroom. I’m about to follow behind but instead roam around the classroom, a small smile on my face as I take in the artwork we did today.

“All set?” a voice asks from behind and I turn, startled. My wide eyes narrow, and my heart misses a small beat when I find my “husband” standing there, looking so casual and relaxed, so sweet and sexy at the same time, I can’t help but second-guess what I’m getting myself into with him.

“You startled me.”

I quiver under his steely gaze and the air around us vibrates when he says, “Payback for sneaking up on me last night in the pool.”

“First, I wasn’t sneaking up on you,” I say as his eyes visually caress me. “And second, I had no idea you were the vengeful type.”

“I can be vengeful,” he says, and saunters toward me, his hands shoved into the pockets of his khaki pants. His clothes are casual this afternoon, but no less devastating. Breathless—it’s the only way to describe what his presence does to me.

I inhale shallowly as my body buzzes to life. “That Copyright 2016 - 2024