Devoured - Cathryn Fox Page 0,25

this is my best friend’s kid sister, and I’d do anything for him. Okay, who the hell am I kidding? This is Peyton, and I’d do anything for her. Even let her seduce me into her bed.

“Roman Bianchi,” the man says, and my breath stalls as my name sticks on his tongue, like he’s trying to figure out where he’d heard it before. Shit, maybe we should have made up a fake last name. “Do you have a sister named Aurora?”

“Actually, yeah, I do,” I say, and reach for Peyton’s hand again when her eyes widen.

“My goodness, I had no idea I was in the presence of royalty,” he says.

I hold my hands up to stop him. “The Bianchis are an old family, but we have no titles to our name. And please, I like to keep a low profile.”

“Yes, I always heard that about you.” His gaze goes from me to Peyton, and he must be remembering my failed engagement.

“We’ve kept things quiet,” I say. “You can imagine why.”

He nods, his blue eyes thoughtful. “Of course. I must tell you, though, your sister and my old college friend Lorenzo Costa are husband and wife.”

Worry cuts like a sharp blade. “You went to college with Lorenzo? What a small world,” I say, hoping to make light of it.

“Small indeed,” he agrees, and my stomach is so damn tight with worry, I give Peyton’s hand another fast squeeze. Shit, this is not good. If word gets out...

“Do you talk with Lorenzo very often?” I ask around the knot in my throat. Christ, I’m here to help Peyton, not screw everything up for her.

“No, it’s been a while. I must give him a call soon. Catch up.”

“Like I mentioned, I do appreciate my privacy.” I roll my eyes playfully. “If you know my sisters, I’d never get a moment’s peace if they knew I was here.”

He laughs like he does indeed know my family. “They are all lovely women and I’m a younger brother in a big family, too, so I fully understand what it’s like to have intrusive sisters.” He claps his hands together and turns to Peyton, and I relax a bit hoping we just dodged a bullet. “How about a tour, and then I’ll take you in to meet the staff before introducing you to your new students?”

“That sounds lovely,” Peyton says, the hitch in her voice noticeable only to me, and only because I know this woman. I give a little nod to let her know I got this, that everything will be okay. Her big eyes scan my face, and she relaxes slightly with my reassurance. Jesus, this girl trusts me, and I better be able to back it up and make sure I don’t mess this up.

We walk through the colorful halls and children’s laughter reaches our ears. “Richard is already here,” he says.

“Richard?” Peyton asks.

He shakes his head. “My apologies. Richard is the other teacher. An American, like you. He, too, is vying for the full-time position. His darling wife is with him. They’ve been here for over an hour.” I glance at my watch. “He’s eager to get started, I guess,” Andrew adds. “I bet you will all hit it off.”

I want to ask why he’s holding a ridiculous competition in the first place. Peyton is clearly the best candidate and I don’t even have to meet Richard, the eager beaver, to know it.

As if reading my mind, Andrew turns to me. “This is a much-coveted position, and while Richard and Peyton were top candidates, it’s important to us to see them in their role.”

I wrap my arm around Peyton. “I’m sure you’ll be extraordinarily impressed. She impresses me every day.”

“How did you two meet?” he asks.

“Roman and my brother are best friends. They met in college, Penn State. Perhaps you know my brother, Cason Harrison. He’s the creator of Hard Wear, quality fashion for men, and Soft Wear, quality fashion for women.”

Andrew’s eyes widen. “I have heard of that app. I believe my wife uses it.”

Peyton turns from us, sneezing into her arm again. “Sorry, allergies,” she explains as she fishes a tissue from her purse. Andrew gives us the grand tour and we end in the teachers’ lounge. He introduces us and everyone greets us with smiles and open arms, until he presents Richard and his wife, Paula, both of whom I instantly dislike. Oh, they’re smiling, but I grew up surrounded by fake, and know it when I see it.

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