Devious Kisses - Thandiwe Mpofu Page 0,37

been found and are back.”

“I wasn’t aware they were missing,” I say sarcastically, but inside my heart starts pounding.

“I’m not surprised, you haven’t really been paying attention to anything but yourself these days.”

That makes me feel bad for some reason. I’ve been so in my head with everything at home, I haven’t been paying attention to Kristine. Shit.

“Kristine, listen. I…”

“There’s no need to apologize to lowly ole me. I mean, you are you after all.”

Why does she keep saying that? Is there a hidden meaning there that I’m not catching?

“No, that doesn’t mean I have to be a shitty friend. It’s just that so much has been going on and I’m trying to nail my routine with barely enough time to present it in a few weeks.” I hug my bag to my chest, glancing down at my watch. I really need to go.

“That’s the shittiest apology I’ve ever heard. If you need to be somewhere, then by all means, Mia, don’t let me keep you.” Kristine folds her arms, jutting out her hip.

I blew it again, didn’t I? Okay, I need to fix this, fast, before it gets all messy. I don’t have time for messy anything, other than my own home baggage.

“No, I was just checking how long I have to go home, look for a super cute outfit that’s fit for pranking St. Jude this weekend, but something tells me I need to go shopping today. Friday shopping’s too cliché and so last minute.” I quickly say, thinking I’ll just make up a lie later, text her that something came up, that I have to stay in. It works all the time. “What time should I pick you up so we can go fuck up St. Jude on Saturday?”

“Great. Saves me the time I would have needed to cajole you into joining us.” A voice interrupts and my insides almost tingle. I turn around and glance up at Shane Matthews.

“Hey.” I breathe, not knowing what to do with myself. I like flirting with this guy. A lot.

“Hey yourself.” He smiles and I almost gasp at the way his face transforms into this breathtaking masterpiece. God, this boy is handsome, and has been my crush since like forever.

“You were planning on cajoling me?” I start, my stomach quivering. He’s talking to me! The most popular guy in our school is talking to me.

Yeah, he was the quarterback of our sucky football team. He couldn’t throw for shit and his brain was probably the size of a mustard seed—I’ve seen his grades and I once helped him pass his Physics test last year. His fashion sense was alright, not the best, but before you dismiss him, have you seen his face? He’s handsome!

“Oh Maya,” he starts, resting a hand on my locker above my head, leaning in. “I tried calling you, but you ignored my call.”

“You have my number?” Shit. Shit. SHIT!! I should really check my phone more! Wait. I frown, looking up at him. “It’s Mia.”


“My name’s Mia.” I huff.

“Yeah, sure.” He dismisses me so smoothly that my irritation disappears when he flashes that billion-dollar smile of his. “So, you’re coming out with the crew?”

He leans in then. I can smell his cologne. My nostrils tingle, making me frown. I haven’t been this close to Shane before, and now that I am, I really want to take a step back, but I stay put.

Why? He’s freaking talking to me!

“I…” I glance at Kristine for help. She winks, exaggerating the move. I cringe a little inside. “Yes. I’ll be there.”

“Good, then you can ride with me.”


This is panning out to be a good day! But then it dawns on me.

“Oh, I think I’ll meet you there instead!” I quickly say, standing up straight as the bubble bursts with a loud pop.

“Come on, girl, it’s not a problem for me,” Shane says, leaning in some more. The way he watches me, makes me feel weird inside. I take a little step back, with a smile still plastered on my face. “I know where your house is.”

For now, it’s our home. Besides that, there’s more that’s happening at my house that I don’t want him to see.

“I know, it’s just, my Dad got me a new car and I want to drive it so bad.”

That’s actually not a lie. The douchebag did get me a new car, probably his way of trying to pull me to his side. I’m not even sure if it’s fully paid for since his Copyright 2016 - 2024