Devious Kisses - Thandiwe Mpofu Page 0,143

with the influence of the Matthews have been pursuing Liam’s accident.”

“I thought it was ruled as a car malfunction.”

“Yeah, well, this is a bigger than that, cupcake,” Liam starts.

“So, they want me to go to jail?”

“Well, what they wanted was Julian in a casket, but they didn’t get that.” Liam looks down at his arm in a cast. “This thing though about jail, that’s your friend’s way of messing with you.”

“She’s not my friend,” I seethe and they fall silent.

“Thank heavens you finally saw that.” Liam throws his head back and starts laughing. “Because we are going to take them down.”

“What are you going to do?” I question.

“Well, there’s a pre-graduation party this Friday night,” Cole starts, a sinister smile on his face.

“And we, cupcake, are hosting it!”

“What do you mean by we?” I stutter, my heart pounding. I almost drop my soda can, but Julian reaches it before it splatters everywhere.

“Come on, cupcake, keep up!” Liam laughs. “We’re hosting the party!”

“Here?” I almost start gagging. “With you guys here and my…” I trail off, pain blooming in my chest. I don’t even want to know what will happen if people find oud that I live with the Fitz brother. The carnage that’ll cause though…

“Not here.” Julian answers, knowing exactly what I was thinking. Crisis averted.

“We’re not doing it here, cupcake, too personal.” Liam says, with a smirk on his face.

“So where?” I don’t like the way he’s smiling at me.

“Mom just bought a new house here.”


“We’re going to have it christened and messed up for her this weekend.”

“Well, I don’t think she wants me in her house.”

“Please, she won’t be around this weekend,” I grit out. “Your mother hates me.”

“Come on Mia, this party has to be a team effort.”

“A team effort?” I deadpan. “You don’t need me to push in kegs and I certainly am not a red solo cup bitch.”

Cole and Liam burst out laughing. “Shit, I like you.” Cole says, and I almost blush. What the hell is wrong with me?

“Thanks.” I mumble, looking down at my burger when Liam starts to wheeze, groaning in pain.

“Shit, my ribs.” He complains, clutching his side.

“That’s what you get for acting like you’re healed when you’re not.” Julian grumbles. I chance a quick glance at him, he’s watching me. Still.

“I mean it, Liam,” I clear my throat. “I’m not team effort-ing anything.”

“First, that’s not a word and secondly, if you don’t want that pretty spoilt ass to end up in jail, you’re going to help us get those bastards.” Liam counters.

“Please, she could rule jail and every other rough you throw her in.” Julian mutters close to my ear and the kitchen grows silent. I look at Julian, then at his lips, my heart pounding so fast, my lips are open on a gasp.

“You know what?” I start. “I would actually, thanks for recognizing my royalty.”

“You mean your royal pain in the ass for anyone around you?” he counters.

“Excuse moi?” I turn fully to look at him. “You have issues.”

“I didn’t squeeze a broken glass in my hand,” he says it so softly, his gaze on mine, daring me to say anything to top that.

“See what I meant?” Liam chuckles, looking at Cole. They fist bump and then Cole puts a Franklin in Liam’s hand.

“I see, indeed.”

“You’re betting against me?”

“You don’t need to know what the bet’s about love,” Cole winks. “I just saw what Liam meant.”

“Yup, what I meant.”


“Fine,” I mutter, feeling lighter for some reason. “I’ll help get that bastard, but I don’t see how throwing a party with booze will help you, that guy is a loose screwed moron when he’s sober.”

“Nah, don’t worry about that. Matthews will talk.” Cole says and they look at each other in silent solidarity.

“This sounds like a bad idea.” I grumble.

“Oh, ye of little faith.” Liam chuckles.

“Did you just quote the Bible?” Cole frowns at him.

“Yes, I did.” He deadpans, looking at me like I just lost my damn mind. “I love Jesus and I hope he loves me too because your little friend’s life is totally over.”


“No?” They all stare at me like I’m crazy. I mean, who wouldn’t want their enemies to be dealt with by the gods of Palos Verdes?

“No, because she’s mine.”

Cole whistles, watching me, then holds out his hand. Liam grumbles then places two crisp Benjamin Franklin notes in his hand.

“Thank you, good sir.”

“You have a gambling problem.” Julian and I say at the same time.

“Hmm, I think we should rethink this wager, bro. They’re Copyright 2016 - 2024