Devil's Ride (Royal Bastards MC Tonopah, NV #3) - Nikki Landis Page 0,44

club was still being targeted. Right now, all I wanted to do was ride out to the hospital and check on my brother.

Mammoth, Hannibal, and Diablo traveled across Hwy 95 with me as we enjoyed the warm breeze and the freedom of the road. No man could understand the wind in your face and the simplicity of riding the way bikers did in a club. Once we parked our Harleys, we made our way up to the correct floor.

Patriot wasn’t in his room, so we made our way to Naomi’s. Sure enough, he sat at her bedside like he was keeping vigil. She still wasn’t awake yet. He looked up as we entered and ticked his head in our direction. I hung back until the joking around had settled down a little.

“How you feelin’, Patriot?” I finally asked.

My brother winced as he moved his shoulder. “Hurts like a bitch but I’ll get over it.”

I snorted with humor, knowing he’d dealt with much worse as a combat Marine. “You’re a tough Bastard. I have no doubt you’ll be just fine.”

He shrugged, glancing at the bed where Trixie was sleeping. Nurse told us on the way into the room that Patriot hadn’t left her side since she was admitted. I wasn’t sure what it was about her that drew him in, but I could see that he was growing attached. “Wish I could give some of my strength to Naomi.”

“I bet a lot of Reapers have wanted the same thing.”

He nodded at my words. “She’s special, Grim. I don’t know why we’re so connected. Doesn’t really make sense but my Reaper took a bullet for her and would do so again without hesitation. She’s under my skin, pres. I don’t know what’s gonna happen but I’m not leaving her side.”

I knew exactly what he meant. There was only one woman who had ever done the same for me and she was like a revolving fuckin’ door. In and out. Hot and cold. Always leaving me hangin’. Didn’t make any sense why I wanted her, but Trish was my weakness. Had been since the first moment I kissed her sweet lips. If I was honest, I’d have to say she stole my heart the day we met. An aura like hers, light like her sweet soul, it was unique.

“Say no more. I understand.”

He reached for Naomi’s hand and held it, rubbing small circles like he was lost in thought.

I was about to say something else when my cell phone began vibrating my pocket. It was always located inside the inner pocket of my cut. When I saw who it was, my heartbeat picked up and kicked hard against my ribcage.


After all these years, I still wanted to jump into action as soon as she needed me. Swiping across the screen as I left the room, I stepped out into the clean, empty hall of the hospital floor where Naomi was staying for the next few days.


“Grim!” she yelled, sounding frantic.

“What’s the matter?”

“They took her,” she sobbed into the phone. “They took Stef.”


“Stef is my cousin. She’s only seventeen!”

I already knew who Stef was, but Trish didn’t remember, probably because she was freaking out. I only met the girl one time, but I didn’t forget. “Alright, calm down, baby.” I could kick myself for calling her that. “Where are you?”

“I can’t say.”

What the fuck? I hated when she did this shit to me.

“Trish, I need to come to you. Tell me where you are,” I ordered sternly.

“I can’t, Grim. They’ll do something to Stef. I have to stay put.”

I was beginning to lose my patience. “Trish, this is important. Tell me where you are. I can keep a safe distance.”

She started to reply when all I heard was a bunch of static like the line was trying to connect.


Nothing but dial tone. She was gone.


I dialed Xenon, pissed off and worried at the same time. A terrible combination for my Reaper.

“What ya need, pres?”

“Trace the call that just came through on my cell.”

“Sure, right away. You good?”

“I will be,” I answered with a growl. “Once you tell me what location Trish is at.”

“Fuck,” he whispered. “Alright. I’ll be as fast as I can.”

He hung up and I began to pace, my agitation growing with every step.

Tricia Holloway was the only woman who could make me give up any and everything for just five minutes of her attention. It was fuckin’ pathetic.

I was the president of the RBMC Tonopah chapter. Wasn’t supposed to be so Copyright 2016 - 2024