Devil's Ride (Royal Bastards MC Tonopah, NV #3) - Nikki Landis Page 0,38

Bastards aren’t taking any shit from the Scorpions. I got a call from a few of our brothers in other chapters. Acid isn’t the only one starting trouble.”

“He wants a war,” Hannibal growled low, “Then he’s got one.”

We made plans to draw out Acid and his club while dealing with our shipments and supplies. Shit was starting to escalate, and I knew it was only a matter of time before it got worse. That was the thing about MC life. Bullshit seemed to come in waves of stink. Felt like one thing after another for the last six months. If I was honest, nothing had really stopped since the day Keys died.

After the bombshell dropped that Sasha was alive and Suraya’s twin, we all knew Acid was coming. Bodie ran into the common room of the Crossroads the following night. Frantic, he was searching the entire space in a panic.

“What’s the matter?” I asked, grabbing his shoulder.

That wild look was back in his eyes. The one I had seen far too often since Suraya died. “Sasha is gone.”

“Well, fuck.”

What followed was a shit show.

Bikes left the compound in search of Sasha and Lucky’s ol’ lady Cindi when Xenon tracked their phones. Fifty miles apart, I knew we wouldn’t find anything good. My stomach was in knots.

We rode to Cindi’s cell phone location first. It took a few minutes to locate the device since it was stashed inside one of the dumpsters behind the local Wal-Mart. Dread filled my stomach as Lucky, Bodie, Patriot, and Hannibal parked their hogs next to my own. My heart was racing, frantic with thoughts that Cindi, Sasha, and Trish were being harmed at that very moment.

Bodie was the first off of his bike, but he wasn’t the one who heard Cindi.

Lucky’s tortured roar of horror and rage emptied into the chilly, bitter night as he rushed forward, shoving Patriot out of the way as he picked up Cindi’s cold, shivering body. Her clothes were torn, blood soaked into the fabric of the material and dried on her arms and legs. She’d been sliced up bad. Only the freezing temperature had saved her life. She would have bled out otherwise.

Fury bubbled under the surface of my skin as I fought back the change. My Reaper was pissed. No hint of Sasha or Trish was found. Bodie was flipping out as he searched the area, throwing shit around and ready to fuck up anyone who stood in his way. I was barely maintaining control.

Approaching him slowly, I squeezed his shoulder, my voice low. “Lucky needs you.”

Bodie inhaled a couple of deep breaths, calming down enough to focus.

Lucky removed his jacket and wrapped it around Cindi as he lifted her in his arms. “She needs a hospital.”

Wraith had followed in his truck and opened the passenger door, wordlessly offering to give them a ride as the prospect Shadow slipped out and walked over to Lucky’s bike. He’d ride back to the Crossroads and inform the rest of our brothers of current events.

Acid wanted his war. He just fuckin’ got it.

“Take her,” Bodie growled as Cindi moaned, incoherent. “Text as soon as you know something.”

“I will,” Lucky promised, heading for the truck. Once Cindi was carefully placed inside, he gripped the side of the frame, dragging his gaze to mine. “I’ll fucking kill them.” The promise was evident in his eyes. “Once I find who did this, I’ll gut the bastards.”

I nodded, gesturing to Wraith. “Keep your eyes open. Stay in contact.”

“Done,” Wraith replied, his jaw locked in anger. None of us condoned violence against women but to do so to an ol’ lady of the club? That was fuckin’ suicide.

Lucky squared his shoulders back before he climbed into the truck and Wraith helped settle Cindi in his arms. We watched them drive away, the tension increasing with every second that went by.

“The SUV,” Bodie growled, straddling his bike, and glancing at the address.

Fifty fuckin’ miles. Way too much time for my imagination to run wild and conjure every possible scenario in my head. The ride seemed to drag on relentlessly even though we arrived in only thirty minutes. We’d broken every speeding law in existence to get here. The SUV was parked outside a little coffee shop that was already closed for the night. There was no sign of Sasha. I was right behind Bodie as he hopped off his bike and snatched a plain vanilla envelope off the front windshield.

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