The Devil's Looking-Glass - By Mark Chadbourn Page 0,106

back into the sweltering sun from his latest attempt to use the looking glass, he glimpsed Meg watching him with a curious expression from the narrow strip of shade near the forecastle. It was as if she knew every doubt that plagued him. He turned away, pretending not to see the beautiful Irish woman’s searching gaze, but she glided over and hailed him in a jaunty manner. ‘Such a handsome face should not be troubled by a brooding look. You need good company to raise your spirits,’ she said with a smile, flapping a hand to cool her flushed brow. ‘Indeed, we both do. Life aboard ship has little in the way of excitement, or comfort, and it seems I have been looking at nothing but blue waves for a lifetime.’

‘I fear I would be poor company,’ he replied, putting on a practised smile. ‘My mind is weighted down by plans and strategies.’ He heard a splash and watched Carpenter draw up a flapping silver fish on a line at port. As if standing guard, Launceston stood nearby with his arms folded and a blank expression, studying his colleague.

Meg cocked her head to one side. ‘There is still time to turn this galleon round and sail for more entertaining climes.’ When she saw he lacked enthusiasm for her suggestion, she sighed and added, ‘But no. There will be no turning away while the memory of your long-lost love has its hook in you.’

‘I have waited too long to discover the truth, Meg. I would have some peace in my life.’ He grabbed a stay and looked up to the yards and the blue sky beyond, but the intensity of her attention drew his eyes down to her once more.

‘You would have her back beside you, more like.’ Her features softened briefly and he glimpsed some honest concern there. ‘I hope you gain your heart’s desire, I truly do,’ she added on a wistful note.

Her words struck too close to home and he changed the subject, nodding towards Strangewayes and Grace locked in intense conversation by the mainmast. ‘I have a favour to ask. Grace is not accustomed to the life we lead. I allowed her to accompany us against my better judgement, but she deserves her answers and her own peace, and I know she would rather die than live the way she has been.’ He ignored the Irish woman’s searching gaze. ‘If you could do all within your power to keep her safe, I would be in your debt. Should we return to England, I will find as much gold as you require.’

‘It is not gold I need,’ she replied with a teasing smile. ‘Sometimes she buzzes like a fly, and I must resist the urge to swat her, but I will do as you ask.’

‘I fear I cannot trust Tobias to protect her. He is too raw, too fired by his passions.’

Meg’s eyes narrowed as she flashed a glance towards the younger spy. ‘You cannot trust him at all. He is a lovesick fool who can only see the world with the simple eyes of a child. Black and white, good and evil. He thinks you place his girl in danger and so you are his enemy. If only he knew the truth. How much you harm yourself—’

‘Enough.’ Will waved a dismissive hand. ‘Let us not wish upon him this grey world of compromise. He will arrive here soon enough.’

He saw a softness in her look, but she hid it quickly. ‘And yet there is some truth in what he says.’

Will watched the cut and thrust of dolphins’ fins slicing the waves alongside the galleon. He sighed. ‘I presume you are going to tell me your thoughts, whether I wish to hear them or not.’

Meg leaned in close so no one could overhear. ‘Your desire to save your lost love has consumed you,’ she said. ‘I understand that it is driven by more than just the heart, and that for long years now the wound has festered.’ He felt that she wanted to hold his hand, to comfort him or to share their hidden bond, but she restrained herself, knowing it would be unseemly. ‘But young Strangewayes sees your blood quicken as you perceive the end of your long quest, and how in your eagerness you are prepared to risk others’ lives to achieve your ends.’

Will rested on the rail, not meeting her eyes. All she said was true, he knew, but he had reached the stage where Copyright 2016 - 2024