Devils' Day Party: A High School Bully Romance - C.M. Stunich Page 0,174

he and Calix watch us, their eyes hungry, their cocks stirring back to life. Situating myself on Raz's lap, I work my hips against his crotch until he's hard and straining for me again. When I lower myself down on his shaft, we both shudder.

Sweat drips from my body and onto his as I roll my hips, pushing him deep and then lifting up so that the tip of his cock is just barely inside of me. It feels good, almost too good, so I take a break, sitting up with him inside of me and glancing over at the other boys.

“Don't stop,” Raz murmurs, kneading my hips with his fingers and then sliding his hands up my sides to cup my breasts. “Don't stop, Karma. You're killing me here.”

I take the vodka bottle again, tilting it to my lips as I work my hips again, drinking and fucking at the same time.

“Screw this,” Calix murmurs, getting to his feet and coming over to stand in front of me, his cock in his hand. I hand the bottle of vodka back to Barron and lick my lips, reaching out to take the base of Calix's shaft in my hand and fitting my mouth over the tip of his dick. As I work my pelvis against Raz's, I suck Calix's shaft.

Barron, meanwhile, moves up behind me, cupping my breasts from behind and kissing the side of my neck.

“Calix couldn't stop talking about how much you liked it in the ass last year,” he whispers against my ear, and I shiver. It's true. I did like it. “You're blushing, Karma.” Barron chuckles, reaching down and slipping a single finger into me, right next to Raz's cock.

“Jesus, dude,” Raz groans, bucking his hips up and making me cry out. Barron takes some of my natural lube and uses it to insert first one, and then two fingers into my ass. The sensation makes me see stars, so I close my eyes, sucking Calix's dick, grinding my hips into Raz.

When Barron pulls away, he chuckles and spits into his hand, using his saliva to lube up his cock with his fist. He makes himself nice and wet, and then puts the tip of his shaft up against my ass, teasing me with it before he pushes his way in slowly, inch by inch.

I've never felt so full, a sense of euphoria sweeping over me as Barron takes over the pace, thrusting slow and deep into me, his cock and Raz's squeezing the thin wall of flesh between my openings.

This time, when the orgasm comes, it's earth-shattering, taking over my entire body, working the devil's magic into every limb.

I end up collapsing on the blankets beside the boys, shuddering and shaking, soaked in sweat. Raz must've come inside of me before I finished, curling his body around mine and pulling me close. Calix and Barron are forced to finish themselves before they join us, the four of us stretched out together on one blanket, looking up at the stars.

“That was … less disturbing than I thought,” Raz murmurs, and Barron laughs, like there's an inside joke we're all in on.

“Glad to hear it,” Calix quips from my other side, his body pressed up against my back. When I hear the sound of Barron's pencil against his sketchbook, a sense of contentment settles over me.

Could there be a night more perfect than this?

I don't think so.

But … I wiggle out from between the boys to find my phone, checking for messages from Luke or my moms.

There's nothing.

No sex tape.

No messages about suicide.

I shoot off a few quick texts to Luke, asking about April, about Pearl. She replies almost immediately, promising that everything is okay, but that she has a secret regarding Sonja that she wants to tell me tomorrow.

A grin takes over my lips before I put the phone aside and head back to bed.

It's Devils' Day; I'm at a Devils' Day party; nobody is dead.

Come on universe, give me this, I think as I crawl back into the nest of bully boys and close my eyes. Give me this day and I'll live every one beyond it like it's my last, I promise.

Before I get a chance to drift off, snuggled up between Calix and Raz, I hear Barron stand up, and open my eyes. When I sit up, he glances back at me, his leather pants undone and slung low, his Mohawk mussed up in that sexy bedroom hair look.

“Where are you going?” I Copyright 2016 - 2024