Devil's Daughter (The Ravenels #5) - Lisa Kleypas Page 0,46

cat against her shoulder. Nanny walked beside them, pushing Stephen in a sturdy wicker pram with a white cambric parasol cover.

“The barn is her home,” Phoebe replied, “and she’s happy to be returning to her brothers and sisters.”

“She doesn’t look happy,” Justin said.

“She is, though,” Phoebe assured him. “She—ouch!—oh, galoshes—” The cat had climbed higher on her shoulder, its little claws perforating her muslin dress. “Nanny, I do wish you’d let me put her in the pram with Stephen. There’s plenty of room for her to ride near his feet.”

“The cat can’t ride with Baby,” came the adamant reply.

Unfortunately, Phoebe’s plan to return the cat to its proper home was foiled soon after they reached the hay barn. She managed to pry the cat’s claws from her dress and set her on the ground by the barn door. “There’s one of your friends,” Phoebe said, seeing a gray cat loitering near a tool shed. “Go, now . . . shoo! . . . Go and play.”

The gray cat hissed balefully and slunk away. The black cat turned and made to follow Phoebe, her tail raised as if she were tipping a hat in hopeful greeting.

“No,” Phoebe said firmly. “Shoo. You can’t come with us.”

But as they tried to walk away, the black cat followed.

Phoebe caught sight of a workman she recognized. “Good morning, Neddy.”

He approached and touched the brim of his cap. “Milady.”

“We seem to have borrowed one of the barn cats. We’re trying to return her, but she keeps following. I don’t suppose you have advice on how to make a cat stay?”

“If I could make a cat do that, it’d be a dog.”

“Perhaps you might hold her long enough for us to escape?”

“I would, milady, but she’d shred my arms to ribbands.”

Phoebe nodded ruefully and sighed. “You’re probably right. We’ll go on our walk. Hopefully she’ll lose interest and return to the barn.”

To Phoebe’s dismay, the cat kept pace with them, and began to meow uneasily as the barn disappeared from sight. They proceeded along an ancient drove lane, once used for taking cattle on foot between summer and winter pastures. Beech trees shaded the sunken path, which was bordered by hedges and earthen walls. As they neared a small wrought-iron footbridge arching across a stream, the cat’s cries became plaintive.

Phoebe stopped with a groan. “So much for our peaceful stroll out in nature.” She bent to pick up the little feline and winced as the cat dug its claws into her shoulder. Exasperated, she carried it to the pram. Before Nanny could object, she said, “I’ll take charge of Stephen.”

Nanny was expressionless. “You want me to push the cat in the pram, milady?”

“Yes, otherwise I’ll be a sieve by the time we return to Eversby Priory.”

Justin’s face brightened. “Are we going to keep her, Mama?”

“Only until we can find someone else to take her back to the barn.” Phoebe settled the cat on the white silk bedding of the pram. Stephen babbled with excited interest and reached for the furry creature, his little hands opening and closing like hungry starfish. With a laugh, Phoebe scooped him up before he could pull the cat’s tail. “Oh, no you don’t. Be gentle with kitty.”

The cat flattened her ears and gave the baby a baleful glance.

“Kitty!” Stephen exclaimed, leaning heavily in Phoebe’s arms to reach the cat. “Kitty!”

Phoebe lowered him to the ground and kept one of his chubby hands in hers. “Let’s walk beside the pram, darling.”

Eagerly Stephen started forward in his spraddling gait. As Nanny pushed the vehicle along the path, the black cat poked its head over the pram’s wicker edge, calmly viewing the passing scenery. For some reason, the sight of a cat riding in his pram struck the baby as uproariously funny, and he burst into giggles. Phoebe and Justin both chuckled, and even Nanny cracked a smile.

Before they crossed the bridge, they went down to have a look at the chalk stream, which was fringed with reeds, watercress, and yellow flag irises. The water flowing gently over the pebbled bed was gin clear, having been filtered through the Hampshire chalk hills.

“Mama, I want to put my feet in the water,” Justin exclaimed.

Phoebe sent Nanny a questioning glance. “Shall we stop here for a few minutes?”

The older woman, who was never averse to the prospect of a rest, nodded at once.

“Lovely,” Phoebe said. “Justin, do you need help with your shoes and stockings?”

“No, I can do it.” But as the boy bent to unfasten the Copyright 2016 - 2024