The Devil You Know - K.B. Winters Page 0,9

the bets reflect that, which is why he’s gotta do it. If he wants to fuck you, use that to get him to agree to this. We need it to look good. Make it close.”

I shook my head in disgust. “I’m not flirting with that maniac for any reason. This is a Jasper task, and since I’m doing everything else, you can handle it.”

He nodded and stood, pressing his palms flat against my desk. “Right now, you are Jasper. If he’s a shit about it, I’ll do it.”

I sighed and nodded, knowing that when Jasper found a reasonable solution there was no arguing with him. “Fine.” I scribbled a note on my tablet to talk to the middleweight contender and looked back at my brother.

“Anything else?”

“Yeah. Terry said some guy tried to mug you?”

I wasn’t surprised at all Terry had told Jasper about the parking lot incident, but I was surprised he’d downplayed it because I saw the look in that guy’s eyes. He meant to do me harm.

“Yep. It’s a good thing Terry spotted me and said something totally sexist and condescending to get my attention.”

Which I realized last night over my third glass of wine; he’d done on purpose to get a reaction out of me.

As if I needed another reason to be attracted to Mr. All Wrong For Me. Still, I made a note to send Terry a thank you gift.

“Anything on Mueller?”

“Not yet.” When there was something concrete to tell, I would. “I’m approving another assistant for Maisie. She’s buried in guests wanting her to do everything. Shes one person. And this fight has the place booked full of high rollers for weeks at a time on both sides of Fight Night. She needs the help.”

“Fine,” he said with an easy smile. “Who knew she’d be so capable? Nothing but compliments from the big spenders.”

They loved Maisie and handed out the most lavish gifts that it was borderline inappropriate for an engaged woman.

“I’m surprised Virgil hasn’t gone full beast on any of them yet, especially that Greek dude who bought her a pink jet.”

“It was a small jet,” he said as if that made any difference at all. “Well she did get him and his teenage daughter tickets and backstage passes to Lady Gaga. Besides, Virgil is the one who’ll fuck her on that jet.”

I groaned and shook my head. “Seriously, Jas? Gross.”

He gave an unapologetic shrug and a matching smile. “They are two adults in love Kat; they have sex. You do remember what sex is, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I do. It’s when I spread my legs like this and grab a cock like this—” I cupped my hands in a crude gesture that had my brother on his feet and marching toward the exit. I laughed and smacked the desk.

“Anything else?”

“No,” he growled and turned in front of the still closed door. “I’m just a call away if you need anything, Kat. Anything.”

“I know, Jas. Thanks, and stay safe out there.”

“Always,” he said with a nod and patted the spot where he kept the copper gun Dad had left him in the will.

When Jasper left, I turned my attention back to work, but of course, thoughts of Terry began to creep in again. Jasper’s fault. On what planet did brothers and sisters talk about their sex lives? Definitely not this one.

Maybe it was time I started making room in my life for personal things. Like sex. And orgasms.

They were great. At least I remembered them being great.

Chapter Four


One of the good things about living and working in Glitz compared to Las Vegas was the lack of traffic at the end of the day. Ten minutes from Midnight Mass to home, max, no matter the time of day. My house was nothing like Ashby Manor in terms of size, grandeur or décor, but it was mine. Even though Sadie had offered me a spot at the Manor, her way of showing that she saw me as a legit member of the family, it just didn’t feel right.

Not anymore.

It wasn’t the same as spending every day and most nights there when I was a kid, because Dad was busy chasing ass and Mom was busy chasing that next high. This was different and no matter how often Sadie brought it up, I stood strong.

Now that I was a grown man, I loved my privacy.

Located only about a mile away from the gates of Ashby Manor, my place was bigger than I needed, but until a few months Copyright 2016 - 2024