The Devil You Know - K.B. Winters Page 0,73

night before she drifted off to sleep that she loved me. She said them again when I filled her pussy with my cock and her sweet little ass with a finger, bringing her so much pleasure it brought tears to her eyes. I love you. The words came easily and even in the heat of passion, I knew she meant them.

I was just too much of a fucking coward to say them back. I wanted to, fuck, how I wanted to say those words to her freely. To have the right to say them to her and not blow up my whole fucking life. But I didn’t.

I couldn’t.

And asshole that I was, I felt relief when I woke up this morning and found Kat’s side of the bed empty and cold. I wasn’t prepared to deal with Kat’s emotions because I wasn’t ready to face the consequences of my actions And based on her actions, neither was Kat. Sneaking around was hot and maybe a little exciting, but it was also stupid and dangerous, something we both knew even though we never talked about it.

Even knowing all that, I wasn’t ready to give her up.

Maybe eventually I would, but not now.

Not today.

After I savored one more minute in the bed I’d shared with Kat, all night, I took a quick shower that took longer than anticipated as I was slammed with memories of Kat. I imagined the water sliding down her body, the soapy water dipping between the gap in her legs, remembering the way she arched into my touch. Moaned my name.

My cock stood at attention, and I closed my eyes, letting the memory of Kat down on her knees sucking me off with a smile wash over me while I stroked my cock to satisfaction. It wasn’t enough.

I was scared it would never be enough.

Kat fucking Ashby was in my soul, in my heart and deep in my bones, and she’d made a home there.

I dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with no plans for the day other than meeting up with Jasper later for updates. So far, the team chasing Brendan hadn’t found him and no sightings of Ravager anywhere. Made me wonder if whoever paid him off might have killed him.

And Jasper’s stress levels were through the roof, which meant I needed to get all thoughts of Kat out of my head before I met up with him.

Sniffing a delicious aroma on my way toward the kitchen, I called bacon. And coffee. Which was odd because I knew Kat didn’t cook, like, never.

“What the hell?” The oven was on the warm setting that I’d never used in all the years since I bought the stove. Then I found the note taped to the refrigerator.

Hey Ter—Don’t get excited, I didn’t cook but I did order you a breakfast that you richly deserved. Bon appetit!— KA

That was it, no words of love or affection, just typical Kat snark and a doodled smiley face. Inside the oven was a huge breakfast. Two containers filled with bacon, scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, waffles, sausage patties, biscuits and jam. The only thing that would have made the breakfast better, was sharing it with Kat.

Instead, I snapped a selfie getting ready to dig in and sent it to her with a word of thanks. Then I ate every bite to replenish the energy I’d used fucking Kat all night. And all morning.

A text came back quickly but it wasn’t Kat.

“Midnight Mass. Noon.” Jasper’s message was short and to the point like all of his messages, but something about it set me on edge.

“Sure,” I shot back, ignoring the acid that built up in my stomach. It was probably nothing but my own guilty conscience for lying to my best friend and sleeping with his sister. It was a violation of the Bro Code and I knew it, but I’d denied myself too long and Kat was too tempting.

By the time I strolled into Midnight Mass and found Jasper in his back office, I’d convinced myself it was nothing. He didn’t know. He couldn’t possibly know.

No one did.

“Hey Jas. Why are we meeting here?”

He glared up at me but face became impassive as he motioned for me to sit.

“Just in case any shit pops off again, I’d rather be here instead of the casino.”

It made sense and slowly the feeling in my stomach began to disappear. “You expect any shit in particular to pop off or just in general?”

Jasper shrugged, and I noticed Copyright 2016 - 2024