Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,80


It’s dick that I’m owed—dick that I earned. Rationally, I understand that this thing we’re doing can’t be heading anywhere good. Irrationally, I just don’t fucking care. No matter how hard I try to put Heston out of my mind, it doesn’t last long. He’s right there, like some kind of parasite, sucking me dry and leaving nothing but a vibrating mess of want and bad decision-making.

I tell the girls good night and hop into my car, heading back to campus. It’s late, and the lot is full, which means I have to park down by the stadium. There’s a path that cuts through the elementary school playground, which is perfect since it goes right past Heston’s apartment.

I’m walking around the swings when I hear, “Georgia Haynes!” from the top of one of the play structures. I glance up and see a face in the dark. At first, I think it’s Gus, but then he hops down, and I realize that it’s actually his brother, Jase. The Freshman who was talking shit about me a few days ago. The one Heston intimidated.

“Hey Jase,” I mutter, still walking.

Another kid jumps from the structure, landing with a soft thud. I don’t recognize him.

“What are you doing out so late?” Jase asks, walking toward me.

I offer him a fake smile. “I had a meeting off campus.”

“Is that what seniors call it? A ‘meeting’?” He laughs, and I’m not sure what he’s talking about, but I think I have an idea. I ignore him, walking faster.

He moves quickly and so does the other guy, who’s behind me one moment, then blocking my way the next.

Noting the two hundred dollar water bottle in his hand, I recognize it as a classic move. I can smell the alcohol from here. “Don’t let Dewey catch you with those. He’s a hardass about alcohol.”

He unscrews the top and finishes it off. “There. No problem.” He nods at his friend. “That’s Ryan.”

Ryan looks a little sweaty and has a piggish nose.

I give him a tight smile and say, “Well, you guys have a good night. I need to get going before Buster makes his rounds. You should, too.”

Jase’s eyes dart to the other kid’s. “My brother says Buster is too lazy to walk all the way down here. Sure you don’t want to stick around? I’ve also got some weed.” He gives me this look. It’s all puppy dog eyes and low-burning horniness. Sad to think about, but that kind of look used to have me on a guy in a split second, back when I was an underclassman.

Not anymore. “Look, Jase, you’re a cute kid and all, but I really need to go.”

I push past him, and the flirty light that was in his eyes a moment before vanishes, replaced with a flash of sharp spite as he grabs me. “Don’t act all innocent. My brother knows a guy who told him you were the one in that video. Jesus, I’ve jerked off to that thing more times than I can count.”

I yank at my arm, but he doesn’t let go. Through clenched teeth, I reply, “Bravo. You like watching illegal videos of girls being recorded without their consent. Getting off to that isn’t the humble brag you seem to think it is.”

He laughs. “You liked it. I saw your face. I want to see that same look when I come inside of you.” He jerks his head toward Ryan. “You ready?”

“Ready?” I ask, swinging my head in Ryan’s direction. He has his phone out, and I suddenly realize he’s either recording or preparing to. “Oh, hell no! Get off me!”

Jase squeezes my arm, wrenching me toward him. “Come on, girl. I’ve got a cool five hundred riding on the fact that I’ll be the first guy in our class to bang you.”

I freeze, looking at him wide-eyed. “What?! There’s a bet to see who can fuck me first?”


Just. Fucking. Wow.

Nausea rolls over me and my heart pounds so hard, I think it may rip through my chest. I’ve done a lot of things I’ve regretted, but they’ve been my mistakes. I know what everyone says about me, but this? I’m a game now?

He takes my moment of shock to pull me closer, trapping me against his chest. “Ryan and I can split the win if you’re into anal.”

“Oh, gross!” I plant a hand in the middle of his chest and push, but he’s stronger than he looks—stronger than me. “Jase, so help me god, if you don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024