Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,55

her chest screaming, “Need dick, will work.”

The other guys here have her pegged all wrong, too. Georgia doesn’t want to be used. She wants someone she can use.

That’s exactly the guy I’m going to be.

It’s just a problem—this lack of trust. Pushing her like that may have been a mistake. And now, like it or not, I’m going to have to be the one to test the temperature.

Once class is over and I’ve worked Micha hard enough that he’s too tired to talk back, I head across campus. Georgia lives in Hayden—fourth floor, like the other seniors. I never lived on campus, but it doesn’t matter. As I climb the staircase, memories come flooding back. I had a lot of fun here back in the day, sneaking into rooms, sneaking girls out of rooms, smuggling all a manner of booze and drugs inside.

I ignore the looks I get from the girls as I walk down the hall. Technically, I probably shouldn’t be here, but I don’t have any choice. I need to know if she’s going to go to Collins, if I missed my shot with that little fingerbang stunt. The longer I wait to find out, the more my stomach aches. In an effort to create an excuse for being here, I stop a small brunette and say, “I’m looking for Georgia Haynes. Do you know where her room is? She left her phone by the pool.”

“Room on the end,” the girl replies, staring at me wide-eyed. “The suite.”

“Right.” I give her a grin. “Thank you.”

I shouldn’t be surprised that Georgia has the suite. Only the most spoiled get these rooms; Hamilton, Sebastian, etcetera. I never needed Gene to tell me that her family is loaded. Her father’s foray into politics is a recent development, but he’s owned a huge commodities trading firm for as long as I’ve known them. I’ve seen them at the club before, been to some of their parties, have shaken her father’s hand at a banquet or two. Plus, she’s debuting at the ball this fall. Society girls are always spoiled little princesses. The Haynes are obviously old school. Idly, I wonder what they think about their daughter being a sex-freak.

I knock on the door and hear someone shout, “I’ll get it.”

A girl opens the door; long dark hair, blood-red lips, and wearing a Sparrowood sweatshirt that grazes the top of her bare thighs. I take her in and consider that maybe Georgia is more sexually liberated than even I gave her credit for. Is she hooking up with this beauty? I wouldn’t blame her. Grinning, the girl cocks her head, sending a cascade of hair over her shoulder. “Well, hello there. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Josephine Wentworth. People call me Josie.”

“Heston Wilcox,” I reply, peering over her head. “I’m looking for Georgia Haynes. Is this her room?”

“It is.” She opens the door wider. “She’s in bed right now.”

A flash of the two of them wrestling in bed pops into my head. I blink it off and hold up my phone. It’s a flimsy excuse that can’t tread water any better than Georgia can. “She left this on campus and also missed class today. I thought I’d make sure everything is okay.”

Josie’s eyebrow quirks. “You’re a teacher here?”

“Swim coach,” I say. One thing is for certain, at least. Georgia hasn’t told her roommate a thing. This girl is absolutely clueless.

Her eyes rake over me like she’s trying to see the outline of my Speedo through my clothes. “Oh, I bet you are.” She leans against the doorjamb. “I’m new this year and still meeting people. It’s just that you look really young to be a teacher or coach.”

I shrug. “They wanted the best.”

She grins at my smugness. “We didn’t have teachers that looked like you at Sparrowood. Or ones who made personal appearances in dorm rooms.”

“What can I say? Here at Preston we like to provide that extra touch for our students’ success.”

Her tongue flicks out and licks her bottom lip. Again, all I can think of is her and Little Red rolling around together.

“Come on in, I’ll get Georgia.”

Violating what I assume are a dozen different faculty rules, I step into the room. In the corner, against the windows, is a bed and dresser. So this girl definitely lives here, despite it being a single suite.

“I thought the rooms were solos,” I say, nodding to her set up.

“I enrolled too late to get my own suite, but Daddy talked to the Copyright 2016 - 2024