Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,42

growl, “What do you want me to do?”

There’s a long pause before I hear the click of the door closing, feel him caging me in against the shelf, smell the scent of him thick in the back of my throat—cologne and chlorine. His voice is a close, quiet hum that makes my eyes drift open to watch. “Hm, I don’t know. What do you think? A cock hungry slut like you?” He licks his lips, gaze raking over me. “I think we’d both like you on your knees.”

I give him a bland look, ignoring the way his words have my thighs pressing together. “A guy who wants his dick sucked. How original.” Of course this asshole wants me on my knees with his cock in my mouth. He’d love getting off like that, towering over me.

Setting his jaw, he tucks his hand down the front of his shorts and pulls out his cock, already hard. “Your choice, Haynes.”

I stare down at him, my mouth parting in shock. We’re in the equipment closet. In the natatorium. At school. And Heston Wilcox has his hard cock hanging out like it’s nothing.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

“Heston,” I whisper, knowing that it sounds anguished and defeated, all at the same time. “I can’t.”

His only response is a slow, evil smirk.

Because I’m dropping to my knees.

I wonder if this is what an addict feels like—their brain saying one thing and their actions saying another. I know the second my knees hit the ground, it’ll be useless to fight. That it’s going to happen. That I might as well.

Because of that, I hesitate halfway down, still slipping into this awareness, prolonging it. His hand lands on my shoulder, pushing me the rest of the way to the ground. His cock bobs in my face, grazing against my cheek, leaving a sticky line of pre-cum.

“Open up, Little Red. Show me how good you are.” He tilts my face up so I can meet his dark, hooded gaze. “That mouth, those lips…they’re made for sucking cock. Show me.”

Deep inside, I smart at the knowledge that he’s probably right. That I’m weak and compulsive. A slave to this war constantly raging inside of me. That this is who I am. Maybe it’s all I’ll ever be. A whore who’s better on her knees, on her back, than anywhere else.

Just like always, this notion takes me over that I might as well enjoy it. That I can deal with the shame that’s sure to come later. That if I’m going to weather all the negative consequences, then I should at least indulge myself.

Shouldn’t I?

I run my hand down his shaft, gripping it at the base. His fingers dig into my shoulder, a silent command.

I open my mouth and give him exactly what we both want.



* * *

I hadn’t planned on being in his position; back against the pool storage room shelves, cock fully encased in Georgia Haynes’ glorious mouth. Truthfully, I’d planned on rejecting her. Ignoring her. Making her come to me. That shit always drives girls wild. I’d get her in that office, maybe even my car, perhaps even my bed, and then somehow get her to talk. Seducing Georgia would take almost no effort at all.

I didn’t expect the Freshman with a six-pack.

The problem isn’t getting Georgia’s attention. It’s keeping it. Seeing her flirt with that kid set me off in a way I didn’t expect. She’ll jump on any cock she deems satisfactory, and I can’t have her getting what she needs from someone else. Not with so much on the line. I may have been blasé about this to Gene, but the truth is that she’s both easily distractible and hates me. It’s going to take a little work. That’s the reason I interfered.

“Slower,” I direct, planting a hand on the back of her head, showing her how I want it. Her shoulders tense, but she follows my orders. The hungry, greedy bobs of her head slow to something full of tongue and hard breaths. I shudder out an exhale. “Good girl.”

Unable to help myself, I glance down to watch as she pulls back, swirling the pointed tip of her wet, pink tongue around the tip of my cock. I never have sex face-to-face, always from behind. The last fucking thing I ever want to see is some girl looking moonily up at me, like we’re equals, seeking something I can’t—won’t—give. But this?

I kind of like this—watching the bitch who took me down brought to her knees.

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