Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,32

you absolutely must know, this bathing suit has more coverage than any of my others. And you should probably show a little more appreciation for it, given the reason I need coverage.”


The bruises.

I reach up to rub at my mouth, eyes wandering down to her hips. Last night, they’d barely been a shadow. But I still remember that first time, years ago, seeing her the day afterward in Econ, shirt riding up, revealing the palette of red, blue, and purple hiding beneath. Fuck, it’d gotten me instantly hard.

Georgia bruises beautifully.

There’s no other word for it.

As if in a daze, I quietly demand, “Show me.”

“What?” The high pitch of her voice snaps me out of it. “Are you insane?”

I straighten, remembering the mark I’d seen on her last night, when I had her bent over and begging for me not to stop. A Devil’s mark tattooed on the base of her neck. Which means she’s dating, or has dated, one of the guys. There’s no other reason to get marked like that. It’s information I filed away for later, but now it makes me uncertain. I don’t like not knowing my enemies.

“Go get in the pool,” I snap at her, standing. “And try not to drown this time.”

She scowls, but walks off, her curvy—bruised—hips swaying side to side. My dick twitches and I run my hand through my hair, tugging at the ends. When she’s far enough across the pool, I walk over to the bookshelf and remove the small recording device hidden behind last year’s All State Trophy. It’s been running for two days now—last night included.

There’s one thing about a bet; you have to prove it. Is it stupid of me to do the same thing I’m on probation for? Probably. But I record my fucks for a reason. You don’t screw girls as roughly as I do without a little insurance to cover your ass.

If Georgia has any plans of framing me, then at least I have this.

I just hope like hell it’s got fantastic audio.

I can tell they’re both bracing for the worst when I meet them out on the deck. “Haynes, put your hair up. Adams,” I say to the kid, who’s standing there holding his elbow, looking terminally bored. “Lose the shirt.”

He argues, “Coach told me I could wear whatever makes me comfortable.”

“Did he? That was cool of him.” I smile at him, but from the way his face falls, I’m betting he can see the meanness in it. “This coach is telling you to ditch the shirt. Now.”

Arms up in the air, tying her hair into a knot, Georgia jumps in. “There’s nothing wrong with him wearing a shirt with his trunks. You’re just trying to humiliate him!”

“No one asked you a goddamn thing, Haynes.” I look at Micha, demanding, “Take it off.”

“No.” There’s a flash in his eyes—something angry and troubled. “I got special permission. You just want to pick on me because—”

“You want to know what wet clothes do? As someone who was in this pool last night, fully clothed, allow me to elaborate.” I swing my glare to Georgia. “It weighs you down. It tangles you up. For someone who can’t swim, it wants to see you fucking dead.”

He crosses his arms, unblinking. “No.”

This little fucker… “You can take the shirt off, or you can get out of my class.”

His eyebrows crouch low, and I can tell from the way he shifts his weight from foot to foot that he’s conflicted. He probably thought he’d have something over me. He probably thought he could run and tattle the second I said something he didn’t like and get his way. He’s realizing that this one won’t go in his favor. Irritably, he bites out, “Hell no. I’m not showing you my body.”

“I couldn’t give less of a shit what your body looks like, Adams.”

“Heston,” Georgia cuts in again, giving me a scathing look. “Let it go.”

“No,” I refuse, holding Micha’s glare. “If you want to cover your chest, you can wear a one-piece.” I gesture to Georgia’s red and black Lycra monstrosity. “I’m assured they have excellent coverage.”

Even though she looks pissed, Georgia blushes, ducking her head.

That just makes him look even more irate. “So you can call me a freak? Tease me? Make me feel like crap for an hour?”

This kid is seriously testing my patience. “You’ve never had an issue wearing girl’s clothes before.” I gesture to the empty natatorium. “There’s no one else here. And since when do you Copyright 2016 - 2024