Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,193

and forth. “Considering that, statistically speaking, eight percent of Devils are pretty significant aspects of your personal life, you might have picked up on something. I mean, if you were smarter.”

His forehead creases with a scowl. “What are you talking about?”

“Your son, for one.” I shake my head, snatching the devil out of the air with an aggressive slap. “Going through a rebellious phase, I’m guessing.”

Collins gives me a look that says I’m stupid. “Oswald wasn’t here last year.”

“He’s here now.” I raise an eyebrow, wondering, “Did you really think they weren’t going to recruit anyone else?”

There’s a long pause as he looks away, the vein in his temple jumping. “Son of a bitch.”

I roll my eyes. “Come on, the headmaster’s son? He’s had a target on his back since the second he stepped foot into here. You should be grateful it’s the Devils instead of relentless bullying. He is a bit of a geek.”

“I’m going to wring his goddamn neck.” He’s halfway out of his chair before I raise a hand, pointing back at his seat.

“I’m not done.”

Collins scowls at me, dropping back into the chair. “I only have one son, Heston.”

“Sure,” I agree, setting the crystal devil back onto his desk. “But you have a sweet little side piece, too.”

He scoffs, even though I can see the color draining from his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I hold his gaze, lifting an eyebrow. “You spent most of last year fucking a student.”

“I did not!” He lurches from his seat, eyes wide. “You can’t just come in here and throw around—” I thumb my phone to life while he rants, turning to show him the screen. He goes silent, face falling a strange ashen color. “Where did you get that?”

It’s a screen capture from a video—Jesus, there’s always a video—featuring him being ridden by a blonde-haired girl.

My eyes go to his locked drawer, mouth curing into a smirk. “Keeping your jack off material in your office desk is a bit of a cliché. Although, I’m going to be real with you. I’m super fucking impressed.” I give him a considering look. “Landing a sweet piece like Afton Cross? That’s inspirational for stuffy old fuckers everywhere.”

He lands heavily in the chair. “You don’t understand.”

“Oh, I definitely do.” I thumb my phone off, tucking it back into my pocket. “Relax, Collins. You look like your asshole just sucked in the entire visible universe. I don’t care who you’re fucking. Trust me, I’m in no position to lecture you on fucking a student.” Sighing, I sink back into the chair, resting my hands behind my head. “I’m just saying. Your little plaything is… well, a Plaything. Devil, to be exact.” Drolly, I explain, “There’s this whole new structure where the guys and girls are equals, yadda yadda. It’s all very feminist, I’m told.”

“No.” He shakes his head, still looking peaked. “She would have told me.”

I snort. “Why? Because you were her daddy’s best friend and she was into jumping up and down on your dick? Maybe she was into you, but when it comes to secrets,” borrowing something Georgia once told me, “Devils are in the business of keeping them.”

It’s probably cruel not to tell him the truth, which is that having an affair with him was Afton’s initiation confession. Meaning, by telling him, she’d be putting him in the position to get shit-canned or worse.

I don’t actually care.

“So this is what you’re going to do,” he guesses, giving me a scathing look. “Blackmail me into signing off on your community service?”

He’s right. That would be highly characteristic of me. However…

“Nah,” I say, dragging my feet off the desk to lean forward. “I’m finishing out this bullshit gig, and when you sign that paper, it’s going to be completely legit.”

His nose scrunches up in bafflement. “Why?”

I jerk a shoulder, tapping the little devil head. “I did the crime, so fuck it. I’ll do my time, I don’t have a problem with that.” Not anymore. Looking across the desk at him, I make sure he understands how serious I am. “But you’re going to leave the Devils alone. You’re going to let them do their stupid, inane little pranks. You’re going to sit back and act peeved when they undermine you. You’re going to put up the pertinent amount of fuss, and then you’re going to do nothing.” I roll my eyes at the look of barely suppressed furor on his face. “I mean, what’s the big deal, anyway? The last Copyright 2016 - 2024