Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,178

into my pockets. “Can’t drink anymore.”

Carl’s eyes widen. “Shit, are they piss testing for that, too?”

I blink at him. “No, you idiot. It’s a medical thing.”

He doesn’t look offended, shrugging it off. That’s the best thing about Carl. Everything is water off his back. “More for us.”

I don’t ask where Sebastian is, but I can’t stop myself from looking for him, knowing my knuckles must be white from how hard I’m balling them in my pockets. Much like Hamilton, the last time I saw him, I was doing an excellent job of fucking his fists up with my face. My jaw still clicks in a weird way when I chew.

“Heston!” Everyone whips around, probably to wonder who would say my name like that—like they’re actually not miserable to see me. Micha bounds up the dock, arms spread wide as he approaches me. “Dude, we are doing crime!”

I bump the fist he holds out, snorting. “Sure, setting paper mâché on fire will be a story for the ages. And the fifteen-foot bonfire, visible from every inch of shore, is just covert enough that no one will ever suspect us of being involved.”


If he catches my sarcasm, he doesn’t let it damper his enthusiasm, glancing back to peek at his sister. “Our parents think we’re at the movies with Hamilton.”

Suddenly, I don’t like the way he looks, eyes a bit too wild, voice a touch breathless. “Hey!” I grab his shoulder to steady him, ducking down to inspect his eyes. “Did someone give you something?”

“Huh?” He looks confused. “Like what?”

When I’m satisfied that the spark of exhilaration in his eyes is purely organic, I breathe a sigh of relief. “Never mind.”

“It’s the crime!” he says, looking far too full of energy. Jesus, to be fifteen again. “It’s just like last week’s episode! Right? Vivian and Gerald?”

“I don’t know.” Pushing my fist back into my pocket, I admit, “Haven’t seen it yet.”

Micha’s head pulls back on his neck. “You what?”

“Micha,” Hamilton barks, pushing to his feet. “Go sit.”

Micha gives him a miffed look. “Fuck you, I’m not a dog.” This is, of course, in direct opposition to that way he was just running around here like an overeager crime puppy.

He throws out a tight, “Micha,” but I’m the one Hamilton’s glaring daggers at, shoulders tight, chest puffed out. Oh yeah, he’s a big man, with his fucking douchebro haircut and nine hundred dollar loafers.

Rolling my eyes, I explain to Micha, “I don’t think you’re supposed to talk to me.”

He pulls a face, looking between us. “But we talk like every day.” I shrug to tell him this makes just as little sense to me, but he ultimately slumps off to the log where Michaela watches the whole scene. When he passes Hamilton, he mumbles, “Thought you were cooler than this.”

That pretty much sets the tone.

I don’t sit. I just stand there and watch, pretending like I’m not glancing at Georgia every ten seconds. The couple of times I do catch her looking back, her gaze is just fixed on the scarf around my neck.

So is Vandy’s.

I feel my shoulders go tense, annoyed that I’m second guessing my decision to wear it. She gave it to me. It’s cold as a witch’s tit, and I’m not exactly working with a full wardrobe these days. Why shouldn’t I wear it? It’s mine. Before I can dwell on it, the sound of a motor approaches the dock, a boat easing up from the darkness. Georgia lurches up, looking nervous suddenly.

A few seconds later, I realize why.

My brother comes marching up the dock, shucking off a pair of gloves. “Okay, the chest is done. All that’s left is the head. You’re up, Georgia. Elvatio infernum or whatever.”

Her eyes dart anxiously between us. “Why don’t you come with me?” She grabs his arm, clearly trying to turn him around before he sees me.

It doesn’t work.

He freezes, not budging an inch at her tug. “What the fuck is he doing here?”

She gives up, sighing tiredly. “He was invited, Bass.”

“Invited?” He sneers at me, lip curling. “To do what? Stand here and bring us all down?”

“Yeah, because you’re such a fucking prize.” I raise my chin, asking, “Accidentally assaulted anyone today?”

“Intentionally assaulted anyone today?”

I spread my arms. “The night’s still young.”

Sebastian gives me a sharp smile, eyes thinned into slits. “How’s your life, Heston? Happy with your choices? Is shit looking good from where you are?”

“You made it perfectly clear you weren’t interested in my life, baby brother.”

He pushes past Copyright 2016 - 2024