Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,145

little too rushed. I only really had it once, but I already miss the idea of her spread out naked on my bed, free to touch and taste at my leisure.

This is why I’ve been looking forward to the weekend, even if we’re both too busy to commit to anything solid. I know she’s got that stupid ball, which is going to take up all day tomorrow, and tonight I need to be at Underworld. That means if we want any time together, we’re going to have to either take it now or wait until Sunday.

Fuck waiting.

I walk across campus, unabashedly seeking her out. At first I’m not sure why there are so many students still on campus. They usually clear out pretty fast on Friday afternoon. But then it hits me; there’s an away football game and most of them are waiting around for the bus. Two of them are Vandy and Caroline, who are both waiting near Georgia’s dorm. Biting back a groan, I pull back, ducking behind one of the massive oaks nearby. Neither of them saw me, which is good because they can’t. We’ve been a little risky lately, lazy with the way we’ve been running around, but these girls? Devils or not, they’d throw me under the bus, even if it’s just to protect their friend.

I peer around the tree, noticing that Vandy has a fancy camera hanging around her neck. I remember now that she works on the paper.

“Where is she?” Vandy asks, hands resting on her camera. “I need to get on the bus or Mr. Lee will throw a fit.”

Caroline answers, “She said she’d be here.”

“She probably forgot.” Vandy pulls out her phone and checks the screen. “You know how she is. I love her like a sister, but she can be so flaky sometimes.”

Caroline hums. “Maybe she’s with that guy she was talking about.”

Vandy’s neck snaps up, eyes narrowing. “What guy?”

Exactly, Caroline. What guy?

“Um,” Caroline rubs her neck. “Well, when we had that fight about Ozzy, she told me she was seeing someone. Nothing serious,” she adds quickly, “but apparently it’s exclusive.”

“Why didn’t she tell me?” Vandy sounds hurt. Maybe a little worried.

“She said we wouldn’t approve.” Caroline looks up at the dorm. “He’s older and apparently ‘he’s complicated’.” She uses air quotes. “You know she’s not super open about her dating, or...well, sex life.”

It clicks pretty quickly that I’m the guy her friends wouldn’t approve of.

“Is she embarrassed of him or something?” Vandy asks, frowning. “If he makes her happy, then—”

“I told her that,” she cuts in. “If I had to guess, I’d say the sex is good, but it’s lacking in some of the other stuff.”

“What stuff?” Vandy fidgets with the camera. “She’s never been interested in much more than sex.”

“I told her that too!” Caroline picks at her cuticle. “You know what she told me?” Vandy shakes her head. “She said she’s never even been on a date. A real one with dinner and a kiss goodnight.”

“Aw, that’s the good, cheesy stuff,” Vandy says, eyes lighting up with her sigh. “Sitting through a movie, leaning your head against a guy’s shoulder, holding his hand.”

“Reyn does all that?” Caroline asks.

“Oh, yeah.” She grins wickedly. “I reward him handsomely, too.”

Caroline’s nose wrinkles, even though her eyes flash wistfully. “Well, this guy must be pretty crappy if he doesn’t even take her on dates.”

Snorting, Vandy agrees, “Definitely.”

The dormitory door swings open and Georgia walks out, Josie at her side. The girls told me they’d make an effort to get to know her a little better since she was on the Devil short list.

I walk off, knowing a hook-up isn’t going to happen.

The next morning, as soon as I wake up, I thumb through my phone, trying not to cringe at the fact I only have four contacts; the Preston admin office, the club, Warren, and Georgia.

H: Coming over today?

While I wait for her response, I use the bathroom—skipping the Mylanta—and hop into a quick shower. By the time I get out, she’s answered.

G: Nope. Important ‘lady’ duties today.

I scratch my head, taking a guess.

H: You’re on your rag?

I’m ruffling a towel through my hair, glaring down at my phone when her response comes in the form of a photo.

It’s her. She’s standing in front of a mirror, phone held close to her stomach, giving its reflection a wry grin. She’s wearing a long white dress, two delicate straps over her shoulders, waist flared out into something vaguely resembling a crinoline cupcake.

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