Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,138

mattress might be nice. Something tells me you’re going to want me on my knees.” I’m saying it so he’ll understand that I don’t have any illusions about what it’s going to be like, but a part of me is also reminding myself. Because Heston is right. I did want to wait. Not necessarily for romance, but for someone I wanted to give something special of myself to; this one thing that hasn’t been owned by anyone else. I try not to think too hard about why I want to give it to him.

As we’re walking to his room, he curls his arms around my middle, nipping at my ear. “Always,” he says, voice low and impish.

“You need to relax,” he says, kneading his thumbs into my shoulders.

“I am relaxed.”

His thighs shift against mine when he knees in closer. His voice is wry when he observes, “Every time my dick touches your ass, you clench up.”

I dig my face into his pillow, biting back a laugh. It’s more from nerves than amusement. When he’d stretched me out, it felt good, but also a little weird. “Okay,” I say, releasing a slow breath. “Try now.”

He makes a small, dubious sound, but one of his hands disappears from my shoulders, and a moment later, I feel the head of his hard, slick cock prodding between my cheeks. I arch my back, spreading myself for him, and it’s the sound he makes more than anything—this soft, surprised punch of air—that makes me feel ready.

I can feel the strength of his body as he presses the tip against me, forcing it past the resistance until it slots in. I gasp at the sudden invasion, even though I expected it. “Wait, wait, wait,” I breathe, reaching back to touch his thigh.

The sound he makes in response is this hard, low-pitched rumble that shoots straight to my center. “Just push back,” he says breathlessly, “when you’re ready to take more.”

I give a testing rock, feeling him slip deeper inside, and the hand that’s holding my shoulder clamps down hard. I’m hit with a sudden moment of clarity that I’ve never been in a more vulnerable position. Heston could just shove his dick in there, and there’d be nothing I could do about it. For a moment, it makes me tremble, but it’s not fear I’m feeling.

I trust him not to.

“You can take it slow,” he says, even though the words are spoken so tightly, I know his teeth are gnashed. I rock back again, gasping at the stretch and burn, but the momentary discomfort just amplifies everything. “Christ,” he growls, thumbing the inside of an ass cheek, spreading me open as I slowly sink onto him.

I’m breathing so hard that it’s a miracle there’s any oxygen left in the room for the way he’s panting. I don’t need to turn to know he’s watching every inch of his cock disappearing inside my ass. He keeps telling me about it.

“It’s halfway in,” and, “So close, Little Red,” and, “You’re taking my dick so fucking good.” The last one is said in a tortured sort of awe, which is what gives me the nerve to rock back one last time, finally clearing the space between us. His hands come down to my hips, fingers digging into the flesh as he holds me there, spitting a low curse. “Goddamn, that’s tight.”

It feels tight, like my body is cautiously willing to accommodate the size of him, but not a single atom more. More than that is how full I feel, like I’m not alone inside my own flesh anymore. It tears a small, agonized whimper from my throat. “Heston. Move.”

He makes a breathless sound and curls over my back, hands reaching up to brace around my wrists, pushing them into the mattress as he eases his hips back.

The slow, wet drag of his cock makes my fingers twist into the sheets, toes curling when he thrusts back inside. He’s breathing hard and shallow, these damp little punches of exhalations against the back of my neck as he fucks me like that. Slow. Careful. Nothing like I’m used to from him.

The burn is less now, my body having made up its mind about whether this is good or bad. “Y-you can move faster,” I stutter, chancing a rock back into his thrust.

He huffs against my neck, voice strained. “Trust me, I really fucking can’t.”

For a moment, I’m confused, wondering what the problem is. But then I feel him shudder and go Copyright 2016 - 2024