Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,107

wrap up,” Warren says, as though I’m a toddler having a tantrum in the middle of a group of adults. I’m halfway to the door when he calls, “Heston, if you want me to sign that form, bring it to me before you leave.”

I stand out in the hallway for ten minutes, letting my anger burn itself out in my own head. That’s the real way I’m different from my brother. He’d be punching something right now, completely unable to control himself. Me? I gather it all up and tuck it away, and by the time I walk back into the room, I mainly just feel bored again.

Bored and like my stomach is turning itself inside out.

Warren takes the form I hand him and walks over to the table by the entrance to grab a pen. “I know it may not seem like it,” he says, “but talking about all that is a sign of progress.”

I snort. “Unlikely.”

“I know your issues go beyond gambling,” he mutters, staring too hard at the paper. “I’ve heard about the videos.”

“Watching underage porn, McAllister? That shit will get you in trouble. Trust me.”

He gives me a look. “I haven’t watched it, but I’ve heard about it. The way you treat those girls crosses a line, whether you want to admit it or not.”

“Seriously? You’re giving me sex advice?”

He shakes his head, tucking the form back into its envelope. “You’re chasing a high, son. Sex, drugs, fighting. All of it leads to the same place. I’m just saying, maybe you should consider what a problem looks like. The things I’ve heard are worrying.”

“I’ve never done anything to a girl that she didn’t obviously fucking want.” At his expression, I roll my eyes, “Fine, whatever, recording them. But that was just social insurance.” The baffled look he gives me tells me the irony of this statement isn’t lost on him. “My point is, don’t project your shit onto me. I don’t have any problems with sex.” More bitterly, I add, “Depending on who you ask, of course.”

“So there is a problem.” He instantly sobers, looking more disappointed than is frankly necessary. “Heston, if you’ve forced yourself on someone, or—”

I shut that shit down immediately. “Fuck you, I’m not a rapist!” It comes out in an angry hiss, my eyes scanning to make sure no one’s around. Incredulously, I explain, “My steady piece is just pissed that I don’t eat pussy. Jesus.”

“Oh.” He looks unjustly relieved, giving me a double-take. “Wait, you mean you don’t…”

Bluntly, I repeat, “Eat pussy.”

His forehead creases. “Does she not… uh, do oral for you?”

“Sure she does.” I snag a can of soda from the refreshment table, cracking the tab. “She sucks dick like it’s a calling.”

He gives me a wry look. “Isn’t that a bit of a double standard?”

I point the can at him. “You know what’s a double standard? If I browbeat some girl into sucking my dick, that’d be fucked up. Arguably criminal. So why is it she gets to pressure me about it? Tell me how that’s fair, Warren.”

He watches me take a sip of the soda, mouth pursing thoughtfully. “Sometimes it’s not what you say, but how you say it.”

“I told her it was gross.”

He barks a disbelieving laugh. “I’m sorry, you told a girl her pussy was gross? Did you ever want to sleep with her again?”

“No, I said eating pussy is gross.”

“And what do you think she heard?” He gives me an expectant look, even though it’s clearly rhetorical. “You’ve got a lot to learn about women.”

I look away, sniffing. “Whatever. Bitch just wants me on my knees.” That’s the clincher. Eating pussy is too intimate. Too selfless. Too goddamn submissive. I want a female under me, on her knees, bent over and taking it. I’m no one’s fucking pussy-licker.

Warren rests his hand on my shoulder and leans in, “From one Devil to another, let me give you a little tip. There is nothing like feeling a woman come on your mouth, tasting her, smelling her, hearing her cry out your name as her fingers curl in your hair. Pleasing a woman is true power. Don’t waste the opportunity.”

He claps me on the back and walks over to a few of the other remaining members, leaving me with the impression that Warren is either a first-rate perv or a goddamn genius. I guess it's up to me to figure out which.



“I had this vision of what swim class would look like,” Micha says, looking jaded as Copyright 2016 - 2024