Devil Incarnate (Boys of Preston Prep #4) - Angel Lawson Page 0,101

creeps down my bare belly, fingers dipping between my legs. “I want to feel your mouth on me.”

He chuffs a laugh, even though he’s not smiling. “I’d rather do the anal.”

I glare at him. “I’m not letting you fuck me in the ass, Heston.”

He shrugs, stretching his arms over his head. “Well, I don’t eat pussy.”

I’m so distracted by the shift of his toned muscles that I almost miss what he’s saying. “Excuse me?”

“Pussy,” he says, over-enunciating. “I don’t lick it. It’s not my thing.”

Sitting up, I pull a pillow in front of me, gaping down at him. “Seriously? I just gave you an epic blow job. I’ve given you several blow jobs.”

“And they were all fantastic. Good job. Top marks. Gold stars all around.” He reaches over to pat me on the knee and I jerk away, standing.

“How is eating pussy not your thing exactly?”

He rakes his hair back, sliding me an exasperated look. “Are you going to turn this into a thing?”

“I just want to know.”

“I don’t like it,” he says, shrugging against the bed. “Shit’s gross.”

My eyes practically bug out. “Oh, like sucking your dick is a walk in the park?”

His eyes narrow. “I didn’t make you suck my dick, you know. You wanted to.”

“First of all,” I say, bending down to snatch my underwear from the floor, “that’s not strictly accurate, seeing as how you basically coerced me into sucking you off that one time—”

“Coerced?” He lifts his head to watch me slide my panties up my hips. “Coerced you by putting my dick in your face and letting you have what you wanted.”

“Second of all,” I continue, ignoring him, “if you’re not going to get me off, I may as well go back to my room and do it myself.” I slip on my pants and reach for my shirt, his words screaming in my head all the while. Shit’s gross. Gross?! My pussy is fucking rainbows and sunshine. “I should’ve known you’d be too selfish to actually please a woman. That’s just one of the many ways you’re different from your brother.”

He sits up, eyes blazing. “The fuck did you just say?”

“Sebastian,” I say, ignoring the chill that runs down my spine at the tone of his voice. “He gives fantastic head. So selfless and giving. Really takes his time to make sure he’s making a girl feel good.”

“Well, you know what they say,” he replies, smile sharp and fake. “You are what you eat.”

I snort, not even able to handle his juvenile bullshit. “You know what, Heston? You want to do anal so bad?” I extend my arms to him in a wide flourish. “Go fuck yourself. You’re the biggest asshole here, after all.”

He brings his palms together in a slow clap. “Real clever, Haynes.”

Shaking my head, I cram my feet into my shoes without even bothering to tie them. “You’re an actual piece of shit.”

“And you’re an actual fucking slut,” he says, dropping back to the bed. “I’d rather lick the gym’s urinal. It’s probably seen less dick than that thing between your legs.”

It’s like a slap, and my body reacts like it, eyes blinking back hot tears. “Fuck you, Heston.”

His gaze jerks to mine at whatever’s in my voice, but he doesn’t stop me as I storm out. The last thing I want him to see are the tears spilling over as I march back to my dorm. It’s not like he hasn’t said it before, but I thought it was different now. I thought he understood me.

Apparently not.



“Wilcox,” Collins says, glancing up from the open folder on his desk. “Sit.”

I spent a lot of time in the headmaster’s office as a student. Many tedious disciplinary talks were had right here, in this very seat I’m about to take. It’s weird being here again, settling into the leather, looking across the gaudy, intricately carved desk into the headmaster’s disapproving face.

Not once have I felt as apprehensive about it as I do now.

I’m not afraid of Collins, but he holds way more of my future in his hands than I like, which is why I do as I’m told. It doesn’t hurt too much, especially when I consider that I fingerbanged Georgia in this room a few weeks ago.

Take that, asshole.

The headmaster sighs and turns to the file cabinet next to the desk. As soon as he opens the drawer, a long row of paper files is visible, little meticulously labeled manila folder tabs peeking out of the stacks. Collins fingers through Copyright 2016 - 2024