Devil of the Highlands Page 0,91

to strip off her gown. She would have believed that Fergus might not look, but Tavis? Not likely. The man was as ruttish as a bull and with every single female around as far as she could tell. There didn't appear to be a woman the man didn't like. She'd seen him with the young, the not so young, blondes, redheads, brunettes, and women with ebony hair. She had seen him with thin women, large women, and every size in between. She suspected he was trying to fill the hole left by his mother's apparent withdrawal when he was young, but couldn't be sure. And it mattered little anyway. He would never be able to fill that hole by hopping from woman to woman.

"In you get, love," Mildrede murmured as she finished helping Evelinde to remove her gown and chemise.

Thanking Mildrede for her help, Evelinde stepped into the tub, releasing a little sigh as the warm water closed around her soot-stained skin. The temperature was perfect, and it would have been a lovely bath were it not for the continued bellowing and shouts from the men in the hall.

Really, their increasing volume and panic over her refusal to let them in rather ruined the whole experience for her. Grimacing, Evelinde moved quickly through her bath, washing away the soot covering her as swiftly as she could. Apparently she wasn't the only one to find their bleating annoying. She had never known Mildrede to wash her hair so quickly, and it seemed like just moments before Evelinde was hurrying out of the tub, running a dry linen over herself, then donning clean clothes.

" 'Tis well past time we sort out all these accidents and who is causing them," Mildrede said grimly as she helped Evelinde with her laces. "I think I shall ask some questions myself. Perhaps I can learn something of use from the other maids here."

"Nay," Evelinde said sharply. "I shall not have you endangering yourself that way."


"Nay," Evelinde repeated firmly. "Leave it to me. I shall figure it out and sort the matter myself."

Mildrede's mouth tightened, but she didn't argue further, and Evelinde moved toward the door. Her hair was still damp and needed brushing, but she was bathed and dressed, and that would have to do. She could not stand the noise Fergus and Tavis were making for another moment. If they were so determined not to let her out of their sight, they could stand about and watch the less-than-titillating show of her brushing her hair by the fire to dry it. No doubt it would be like watching wheat grow for them, Evelinde thought, and hoped it bored them to tears.

It was midday when Evelinde finished drying her hair and led the way below to the great hall. Mildrede had a small smile of amusement on her face as she descended the stairs next to her, but she was the only one of their group enjoying herself. Fergus and Tavis had paced about her room, sighing repeatedly and loudly as they'd waited for her to finish with her hair. Evelinde herself was finding their presence less than enjoyable. If her husband had been below when she stepped off the last step, she would have had a word or two for the man.

However, he was nowhere in sight. Evelinde released a heavy sigh and started toward the head of the high table for the nooning meal. She had crossed perhaps half the distance when the great hall doors opened, drawing her gaze. Evelinde stopped abruptly on seeing Tralin Comyn entering, and nearly tumbled forward to the rushes when one of the men didn't stop quickly enough and crashed into her back.

"For heaven's sake," she said with exasperation when someone quickly caught her to keep her on her feet, and she turned to see that Tavis was the culprit. "There is no need to walk on my heels. I am not going to run off anywhere."

"Sorry," Tavis muttered, appearing amused despite the word.

Clucking under her tongue with irritation, Evelinde turned away and crossed toward Tralin rather than her seat.

"Good day, my lord," she greeted. "My husband is not here at the moment, but I am sure he shall return soon."

"Aye." Tralin smiled. "Mac said Cullen had gone out for a ride when he took my mount. He thought he should return soon, too."

Evelinde felt her mouth tighten with irritation. It did appear everyone else seemed to know things she didn't, and truly it was annoying. Would it Copyright 2016 - 2024