Devil of the Highlands Page 0,76

managed that barn for many years. Not once in that time has anyone but he let Angus out… until the day ye were in the paddock. And then there is the arrow while ye were in the tree in the woods. The laird suspects someone was following ye through the woods, and the arrow was shot at ye while ye were climbing."

Evelinde sagged against the stall door. "Why has he said none of this to me?"

"More importantly, why would anyone want ye dead," Mac said dryly. "Cullen and I have tried to sort that out. But 'tis most difficult. The problem is that if someone is trying to kill ye, 'tis probably tangled up in the other deaths, but 'tis hard to sort out who would have committed all three murders because we cannot find a common motive. If the uncle's death was murder, the most likely culprit would have been Cullen's father, Liam. He was the only one to gain from it. He became laird," Mac pointed out.

Evelinde's eyes widened at the suggestion.

"But, then, if Liam's death was murder, and 'twas the same murderer, then Cullen is the most likely suspect since the death of both men saw him become laird."

She stiffened then, but Mac was already continuing, "But it isna him."

The conviction in his voice made Evelinde curious. "How can you be sure?"

"Cullen's spoken of his father to me, and I can hear the affection and respect in his voice. He'd no have killed his father to gain a title. But, even if he hadn't felt so about Liam, he wouldna," Mac said solemnly, then admitted, "I listened to his men speak on the way here, and have watched him since arriving and—" Mac turned to her, letting her see his very serious and certain expression as he said, "The boy is one of the most honorable men I've ever met."

Evelinde nodded slowly, she had already begun to see that herself and to appreciate his thoughtful and kind ways… despite his frustrating silences.

Mac turned back to the horse, before adding, "It takes a strong man no to take advantage of his position to punish those who have wronged him, but Cullen has done nothing to gain retribution for the rumors and whispers. And then there is how he has treated you."

He paused again to glance at her. "Cullen recognized what Edda was right away, ye ken. Despite having traveled and camped out for five days to reach d'Aumesbery—he didna take the opportunity to rest there a day or two ere returning. He headed straight out with ye, riding night and day so ye'd no have to endure her abuse a minute more than ye had to."

Evelinde's eyes widened incredulously. "That is why we left right after the wedding?"


"I wish he had told me so," she said with frustration. Truly, it was such a sweet and thoughtful thing to do. The man had ridden himself to near exhaustion just to prevent her having to bear any more insults from her stepmother, and she hadn't even known.

"He isna the sort to flaunt his good actions," Mac said with a shrug. "The point is, I am sure Cullen isna the one behind his father's death. So, while he is the only one we can tell gained anything from it, someone else must have gained something, too." He was silent for a moment, then added, "Without Maggie's death, I would consider Tavis a likely suspect. He may have hoped to gain the title of laird for which he had been passed over."

"But he was just a boy when Darach died," Evelinde protested.

"Aye, but that one may truly have been an accident," he pointed out. "If it was, Tavis may harbor a secret bitterness that he did not become the laird on Darach's death, the title going to Liam, then on to Cullen when Liam died."

Evelinde's eyebrows rose slightly. She hadn't considered this.

"However," Mac went on. "Did Tavis want the title, it should have been Cullen killed, not little Maggie, and as far as we can tell, no one at all gained from her death." He shook his head. "Hers is the one that really suggests the other two werena accidents e'en though hers is inexplicable. And then there are these attacks on you. No one would gain from yer death either."

Evelinde bit her lip and then admitted, "Biddy thinks little Maggie was killed because she was asking questions about the other deaths. She thought little Maggie was trying to gain Cullen's love Copyright 2016 - 2024