Devil of the Highlands Page 0,71

hurt?" Cullen asked the question as he scooped her up in his arms and hurried down the stairs to the trestle table. The way she was jostled around in his arms as he went kept her from answering, however, and Evelinde merely held on and waited. Unfortunately, he took her silence as a yes. So did Mildrede, who rushed over as he set Evelinde on the table, the maid's face a picture of combined worry and fury.

"I'm fine," Evelinde gasped a little breathlessly, as Cullen straightened from setting her down, but no one heard her over Mildrede's furious voice.

" 'Tis that damned dark hall. 'Tis a menace! Why are there no torches up there?" Mildrede snapped as she hovered beside him.

Evelinde waited for the hated line, "Because 'tis how it's always been," to sound, but Cullen didn't speak to the question. He was busily running his hands over her body on top of her gown.

"I am fine," Evelinde repeated trying to sit up, only to find herself pushed flat again.

"Stay put till we're sure nothing's broken," Mildrede insisted, holding her shoulder down flat on the table. She then glanced to Cullen, and asked worriedly. "Is anything broken?"

"I doona think so," Cullen muttered as he finished his examination and straightened, his eyes searching out her face. "Are ye all right?"

"Aye—" she began, but Mildrede cut her off.

"Of course she is not all right!" the maid snapped. "She just took a tumble down those accursed stairs."

The maid urged Cullen out of the way to examine Evelinde for herself. While he'd concentrated on her limbs, looking for breaks, Mildrede moved her hands over her stomach and urged her to sit up so she could run them over her back as well.

"I am fine, Mildrede," she muttered, trying to wave her away.

The maid merely tightened her lips, and said, "You are not fine. You will be black-and-blue… again," Mildrede added heavily, glowering at Cullen, obviously blaming him for this latest accident.

"What's happened now?"

Evelinde glanced around at that exasperated question to see Fergus approaching the table. Tavis was not far behind.

"She fell down the stairs," Cullen answered in a growl that drew Evelinde's eyes to his face. He was scowling at her as if this were all her fault, she noted with irritation.

"Has she always been this clumsy?"

Evelinde's head shot back around at that question from Tavis, and she glared at the man despite the teasing voice he'd used. He merely grinned back, eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Nay!" Mildrede snapped, apparently no more amused than Evelinde was, "In fact, she rarely had accidents at all ere the day your lord arrived at d'Aumesbery. But, then, 'tis not the first accident that has happened around him."

Evelinde's eyes widened, but then she realized Biddy must have told Mildrede the tale of how Cullen's father, uncle, and first wife had died. Ere coming to the castle, all either of them had known was that he was supposed to have killed them, not that their deaths were the results of suspicious accidents. Her gaze slid to Cullen to see how he was taking the words, only to find his face expressionless as usual.

"Are ye suggesting our laird had something to do with this?" Fergus demanded, elbowing Tavis out of the way so that he could glare at the maid.

"Mildrede," Evelinde said in a warning tone as the woman opened her mouth to answer.

The servant hesitated, but held her tongue. Evelinde was just relaxing when Cullen suddenly scooped her off the table and moved toward the stairs.

"What are you doing?" she asked with a frown.

"I am taking you to our room to rest."

"I do not need to rest, Cullen. I am fine really. I do not think I even got hurt this time, I was able to save myself," she assured him quickly, ignoring the slight ache of her arm from that saving. It was little enough compared to what she could have suffered.

"I shall fetch some mead and mix a tonic," Mildrede announced, hurrying for the kitchen.

"Husband," Evelinde said impatiently. "I am fine. Really."

"You are not fine. You nearly broke your neck and will rest to allow your body to recover."

Evelinde opened her mouth to respond, but they'd reached the top of the stairs and instead she cautioned, "Be careful. I tripped over something on the floor just before I reached the stairs."

When Cullen paused to glance at her, she nodded.

" 'Tis what made me fall."

He met her gaze silently and for a moment Evelinde thought he didn't believe her, Copyright 2016 - 2024