Devil of the Highlands Page 0,111

to the soldier and was somewhat surprised to find that while she'd been watching her husband, Fergus had been sidling closer to her. Now he was little more than an arm's length away. Before she could rectify the matter and move out of reach, he lunged forward, catching her upper arm and hauling her back up against his chest as he turned to face Cullen, and added, "But ye've handled it well, lad. Yer father would have been proud."

Cullen had stilled, his jaw clenching with frustration as she was caught, but that was the only reflection of his feelings as he glared at Fergus, and said, "He might be were he still alive."

"Fergus," Biddy said quietly, slipping through the door in the curtain wall and moving up beside Cullen. "Let Evelinde go."

The sharp prick of a knife against her neck told Evelinde he wasn't ready to do that. She stood completely still, holding her breath lest she accidentally slit her own throat as she waited for an opportunity to free herself or otherwise bring an end to the situation.

"I did it all for you, Biddy," Fergus said solemnly.

"But I didna want it done," Biddy said sadly.

"Ye shot him," he pointed out with exasperation.

"Aye, but—That was in a moment of rage over what he'd done to Jenny," she said, trying to explain her feelings. "Murder is wrong. I should have—"

"It isna murder when 'tis someone like him. Darach deserved to die," Fergus insisted. "He was a cold, heartless bastard. Had he lived, he'd have just broken yer heart over and over again, made ye more miserable and ruined countless other young lasses."

"Aye, but at least I'd have not suffered the guilt I've suffered all these years thinking I'd committed a mortal sin and murdered my own husband," Biddy countered, sounding angry for the first time. "And Liam and little Maggie didna deserve to die. They were both good people, both friends and loved ones whose passing I've mourned."

Her gaze flickered to Evelinde's face, and her lips tightened before she added, "And then there is Evelinde. Ye planned to kill her, too, did ye not? Who would have been next? Cullen, when he tried to find out who killed his wife and sought vengeance? Would ye kill everyone I love in your supposed effort to 'protect' me? I'd rather ye'd killed me that night than any of the others, including Darach. Ye've done nothing but cause me more pain, Fergus. Do ye no see that?"

Evelinde swallowed and shifted her eyes to the side, trying to see Fergus. He was still as stone behind her, but his breathing was rapid, and she wasn't sure how he was responding to Biddy's words.

"Let Evelinde go," Cullen said grimly, drawing her gaze back to his stony face. "Her death will win ye nothing now. 'Tis over."

"Aye, 'tis." Fergus sighed by her ear, then began to back up. "I'm sorry, Biddy. All I ever wanted was to make ye happy and protect ye. Ye deserved better than the cards ye were dealt. But I've managed to muck everything up."

"Fergus, let Evelinde go, and fight me," Cullen growled, moving forward as Fergus continued to drag her back toward the cliff.

"I've no desire to fight ye, lad. I feel bad enough fer killing yer father. I'll no add yer death to the list of me sins."

"Well then, doona add Evelinde either," he said desperately.

"Please, let her go, Fergus," Biddy said quietly. "Cullen and Evelinde love each other. They deserve the happiness neither of us found."

"Aye, mayhap they do," Fergus agreed, but backed up several more steps before pausing to say by Evelinde's ear. "I'm going to let ye go, lass, and when I do, yer to walk straight away from me to yer husband."

"What are you going to do?" she asked with concern.

"Never ye worry about that," he said. "Ye just go to yer husband and love him. Biddy's right, ye deserve each other."

Evelinde opened her mouth again to ask what he was going to do, but Fergus suddenly pushed her forward. Unprepared for it, she stumbled, but Cullen was there to catch her, steadying her with one hand even as he lunged past her to catch at Fergus. Evelinde whirled as his hand left her, eyes widening in horror as she saw Fergus pitching off the cliff and Cullen throwing himself forward to catch him.

Evelinde wasn't the only one to scream out, but she was the only one close enough to make a grab for Cullen as he Copyright 2016 - 2024