Deviant (Boys of Winter #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,85

their chances.”

“You’ve been working with them this whole time?”

Harding scoffs and pushes the knife just a little deeper, making me suck in a sharp breath as I will the tears not to fall. “Working with them?” he laughs. “Those little assholes were working for me. I’m running this show.”

Oh, fuck.

“You have no idea what you’re getting yourself involved in here,” he tells me, taunting me as he slowly pushes the knife a little deeper. “Breaking into my house was the worst possible move you could have made.”

I take slow breaths, trying to keep myself calm despite the pain tearing through my abdomen, though it’s only going to get worse. He’s only got the tip in and something tells me that he won’t hesitate to sink it right in, slamming it deep inside me until the hilt is pressed firmly against my stomach. Kinda like the way Grayson likes to fuck—tease me with the tip and then slam it deep inside me until I feel his balls smacking against my ass.

“You’re making a mistake,” I tell him, playing any angle that I can, knowing there’s only a slim chance of me getting out of this. “Let me guess, her endgame is to take over leadership while claiming the identity of my mother, and she’s prepared to kill me to do it—her own flesh and blood. So, tell me, do you really think you’re that special to her? Do you really think she’s going to take you along for the ride? You’re just as fucked as I am. You’re a pawn to her. Nothing more. Eighteen years of playing her game and she’ll slit your throat the second you deliver me and she won’t think twice about it.”

“You’re wrong,” he says. “I don’t make mistakes.”

“You’re making one right now,” a deep, chilling voice says from the door of the office.

Relief settles through me knowing that I won’t be dying today, but that doesn’t mean that I’m getting out of this unscathed.

Grayson cautiously steps into the office with Cruz, King, and Carver coming in behind him, and while I feel their gazes hitting my face, I refuse to look away from Harding’s haunting stare. The guys stand around us, not making any sudden movements, knowing that just the slightest pressure on the knife could have it sinking deeper into my abdomen.

In a flash, Harding winks and slams the knife deep inside of me, and as I crumble to the ground, clutching at my stomach, Harding sprints to the window and throws himself through the thin glass.

“Don’t let him get away,” I cry as Carver dives down to catch me. “He’s behind it all.”

Without another word needed, Cruz, King, and Grayson race after him. Grayson launches himself through the broken window while King and Cruz race out the door they just came through.

Carver adjusts me in his arms and reaches across to the desk. He grabs the landline phone and dials 911 as I groan in pain, desperately holding onto my stomach, though one thing is for sure, this doesn’t hurt nearly as much as getting shot did, or maybe it just didn’t go as deep.

Carver lays me down and puts pressure against the wound as he holds the phone between his ear and shoulder. Within seconds, an ambulance is dispatched and Carver is looking down at me with wide, fearful eyes.

“We’re not doing this again,” he spits, the panic in his eyes breaking my heart. “I’m not going to lose you like this.”

“I’m fine,” I groan through my clenched jaw, desperately wishing that he’d just hold my hand and tell me that everything is going to be alright. “It just hurts like a motherfucker.”

Carver looks over me, focusing on my hard stare. “Are you sure?” he demands, not ready to take my word for it.

“Yes,” I snap back at him, positive that I’m not about to bleed out all over the floor. “Just don’t let go and we won’t have any issues.”

“Then talk to me, babe. What the fuck just went down in here?”

I cringe as he presses down a little harder, getting a good hold on the wound and judging from the look in his eye, he’s calling on every little piece of control inside his body to not berate me for slipping out of the house by myself. “Harding and Paris Moustaff,” I tell him. “They’ve been working against us since the very beginning. Your dad and Scardoni were just pawns in their game.”

“Who the fuck is Paris?”

“My mother’s twin sister,” Copyright 2016 - 2024