Deviant (Boys of Winter #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,74

Carver and me, and they know how damn important it is that we get there on our own.

My head drops against Grayson’s shoulder as King’s large hand takes over my knee and gives it a gentle squeeze.

I’ve never wanted to be out of a car so badly. The others don’t know what happened in Carver’s room apart from King, and only he knows just how deeply it cut.

We fall into an uncomfortable silence, and the last few minutes of our drive seem to go on forever. Hell, those few final moments seem to drag on longer than the past six hours have, so when Carver slows the Escalade and brings it to a stop by the main gate of our private residence, the relief quickly soars through me.

He makes fast work of hashing in the code, and as he does, a sinking feeling twists my gut. There’s a deep silence in the car, and I can’t help but wonder if the boys can feel it too.

The Escalade begins creeping down the road and I watch out the window, desperately trying to work out what’s giving me this strange feeling. I sit up a little straighter, and as I do, the guys adjust themselves in their seats. Carver’s fingers tighten on the steering wheel while King’s hand falls from my knee and fiddles with the door handle.

They feel it just as strongly as I do, yet not one of us voices our concerns because we have absolutely nothing to go on.

I look up ahead through the wide windshield of the Escalade, finding the massive gates for my property intact and untouched. The sight seems to ease me, but the feeling doesn’t go away.

The street is empty. I’ve gotten used to seeing the children playing in their yards and the wives coming and going for their mundane little chores, but today, there’s nothing. It’s a fucking ghost town.

“What’s going on?” I murmur to myself, not waiting for a response because it’s not like the guys actually know. “Where is everyone?”

Grayson just shakes his head, not ready to even attempt to piece the puzzle together.

We slowly continue down the private road, and as Cruz leans forward with his eyes widening in horror, my stomach drops. I follow his gaze to Carver’s driveway and my heart sinks. His big iron gate has been rammed right off its hinges, but the size of it should have made that impossible.

“Explosives,” King mutters, answering every single one of our thoughts.

My heart races like never before, terrified of what we might find if we continue, but how can we not? This is our home. This is the one place the boys trusted that I’d be safe.

Fear rattles me. This shouldn’t be possible. The guys locked this place down like Fort Knox when they intended to leave me behind. The alarms should be blaring and Carver’s phone should have been lighting up with calls from the security company letting us know that shit has been going down. Hell, we should have at least had calls from the neighbors telling us that someone was trying to fuck with our home.

Where’s the fucking loyalty around here?

Carver stops by the fallen gate and we all stare out the window, looking down the long driveway at the house that sits at the very end. Even from here, it’s clear to see that the front door is wide open. The hedges have all been hacked at with chainsaws, the garage door has been rammed, and there are tire marks all over Carver’s manicured grass.

My heart races even faster. Someone has really come in here with the intention to fuck things up, but if it’s this fucked up out here, I can only imagine what it’s like inside.

I suck in a gasp, remembering that when I ran out of here just two mornings ago, I left something extremely important behind.

Lady Dante.

Carver’s knuckles whiten as he grips the steering wheel with an iron like force, and without missing a beat, he hits the gas and we fly down the long driveway. He has to swerve to avoid fallen branches, sending us all fumbling to the side in the Escalade.

The moment his tires come to a screeching halt, I start to climb over Grayson’s lap, aiming for the door handle, but King grabs the back of my tank and yanks me right back into my seat. “Stop,” I screech, glaring back at him. “What are you doing? I have to check on her.”

The guys ignore me, pulling Copyright 2016 - 2024