Deviant (Boys of Winter #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,14

about your mom, but like … she’s dead right? I mean, I don’t intend on being insensitive or anything, but I kinda thought that was a cold, hard fact.” She laughs to herself before her eyes go wide. “No pun intended.”

The door barges open and King, Cruz, and Carver come striding in, somehow making the massive room feel tiny and cramped. “We all thought she was dead,” King says, beating Cruz to the seat on my left, and leaving the boys to squish onto the couch beside Grayson.

I look to Cruz, knowing he’ll be the easiest to break. “So, what’s the plan? We need to somehow figure out where my mother is and find the motherfucker who set off a bomb during the ball.”

“Not to mention, some fuckwit head of Dynasty is responsible for the cyanide attack.”

Cruz shakes his head as King, Carver, and Grayson all look at each other with shifty eyes that makes me suspicious as fuck. “Babe, we’re not discussing this,” Cruz insists. “We can work out the plan and figure out all the bullshit in a few weeks. Until then, all we’re doing is waiting for your guts to heal. There’s no reason to put you at risk. It’s too dangerous.”

I shake my head. “Spill. What the fuck is going on?”

“What do you mean?” King questions. “Nothing is going on.”

“I’m not fucking stupid. I know when you guys are planning something, and right now, you’re planning it without me, and if I find out that you guys are making a move without taking me along for the ride, I’m going to be pissed.”

Grayson scoffs. “Sorry, babe. I really wish we could tell you that we had a plan, but when the fuck would we have had a chance to come up with one? We’ve been here with you since you came barging in here on a fucking gurney.”

I press my lips into a hard line. I guess he has a good point, though that doesn’t make me any less suspicious. These guys are shady bastards at the best of times. “You know where she is, don’t you?”

The boys’ shifty eyes start all over again and I realize that I’ve hit the nail on the head. They know exactly where to find London Ravenwood, or at least, they have a good idea where to find her. Cruz lets out a sigh and King groans, knowing that his best friend is about to break. “We think she’s been staying in your parents’ manor home in the mountains.”

I shake my head. “No, that’s not right. It burned down when Royston killed my father.”

Carver leans back in his chair. “Dynasty wasn’t going to allow their home to remain in ruins like that. Your father built that from the ground up. He was very proud, so Dynasty rebuilt it about a year after the fire.”

“No shit,” I breathe, slicing my gaze toward the back wall as I think it over. “So, technically that’s mine too?”

Grayson shakes his head. “Well, up until your mother showed up, we thought it was, but seeing as though she never actually died, that means—”

“I’ve technically not inherited anything,” I say, cutting him off and finishing his sentence. “So, my home … I … I don’t have a home.”

Grayson nods. “Technically, yes, but you can’t look at it that way. It’s your home and it’s going to stay that way. She’s not been here and I doubt she’s going to go storming through your front door and demand the place back. She’s been in hiding and she risks too much by showing herself now. Fuck, from where I’m standing, she’s looking pretty fucking guilty where your father’s death is concerned.”

I narrow my eyes at him in curiosity. “You really think?”

Grayson shrugs his shoulder. “I don’t know, that’s just a theory. I could be way off.”

I nod, seeing exactly where he’s coming from. Royston told us she was there the night my father was killed. He told me how she was asleep in bed right beside him and she screamed as Royston slit his throat, but what if that was a lie? Royston wasn’t exactly an honest man. What if he was working with my mother, and together, they conspired against my father?

No. I don’t want to go there. It’s too much to think about. Cruz was right. No matter how much I want to go out there and kick her ass, I can’t do anything until my body is healed. I’m a liability like this.

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