Deviant (Boys of Winter #3) - Sheridan Anne Page 0,127

side, the heaviness of the day weighing on my mind. “It’s all my fault,” I murmur, sipping at my drink.

Carver scoffs from across the courtyard, placing his phone down on the table and glancing up at me, the anger from my comment clear in his eyes. “It’s not your fucking fault.”

“Had I not fought so hard to destroy everything that Sam created, all those people from the ball would still be alive,” I argue, knowing just how fucked up that sounds.

Carver stands and leans onto the table, glaring at me. “Are you hearing yourself?” he spits. “Had we not gone and fucked up Sam’s operation, those four girls would still be there or fucking worse, and we sure as fuck wouldn’t have found that ledger. Because of what we did, victims like Maddison Atwell are free. So lose the freaking pity party. It is not your fault that assholes like Knox Delacourt can’t determine the difference between good and bad.

“Besides,” King adds, standing beside Carver. “I know it’s a fucked up way of looking at it, but I knew every single one of those people who lost their lives that night, and I can guarantee that every last one of them would have gladly given their lives to save the victims in that ledger.”

I give King a hard stare. “Seriously?” I grumble. “You’re going to look at this as a win-win situation.”

King groans and grabs his glass off the table. “You’re fucked in the head if you think that I look at any of this as a win,” he says while making his way toward the back door of my home. “No one in this situation is winning, not even the victims who are being saved because they’re going to have years of trauma ahead of them. All I’m saying is that sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, evil with evil, and sometimes, you have to make a sacrifice for the greater good.”

I stare after him, watching as he stops by the back door to look back at me. “You need anything?” he asks. “I’m going to check on Cruz and crash. I’m fucking exhausted. I can’t keep my eyes open a second longer.”

I shake my head. “I’m all good,” I tell him, watching as he narrows his gaze, double checking and making sure that I’m being completely honest—I’m not. I’m so far from good that it’s not even funny.

I know he sees the lie, but with both Grayson and Carver out here, he knows that I’ll be alright.

King slips in through the back door and I sink against the side of the Jacuzzi, sipping on my drink as I look up at Grayson, standing just above me. “I let him get away,” I murmur, my head so full of this bullshit that I can’t even think straight. “I should have let Cruz take his shot. He deserved to take his shot.”

Grayson nods as his fingers fall to the buttons on his shirt and slowly pops them open, letting the breeze catch the sides of his open shirt and blow them back to show off his sculpted body. “True,” he mutters, his eyes on mine as he moves to the button of his pants. “But you needed your answers just as much as Cruz needed to destroy him. Cruz will get his chance. We just need to be patient.”

“Patience isn’t something that comes easily to me.”

Carver scoffs behind Grayson but I pay him no attention, far too distracted by the way Grayson’s pants fall from his hips. I watch as he stands before me in the most brilliant birthday suit I’ve ever seen. I gape for just a second. There’s something about the way the moonlight hits his flawless skin that has my mouth watering and the disastrous thoughts from the day fading from my mind.

He steps down into the Jacuzzi, his eyes still heavily on mine and darkening by the second. “You think too much.”

Ain’t that the truth.

I watch him, unable to take my eyes off his deep stare as he moves through the water to get to me. One hand falls to my waist as his other finds mine. He pulls me to my feet, and as I stand in the deepest part of the Jacuzzi, he lifts me into his arms. My legs curl around his waist and I breathe him in, loving how quickly my tortured mind begins to ease.

“Let me help you relax,” Grayson murmurs, his lips hovering a breath away. Not wasting Copyright 2016 - 2024