Devastated (Anger Management #1) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,75

Hunter said, leaning in and kissed her before she could argue, and he knew that she would argue.

She was so fucking stubborn, he thought as he deepened the kiss, praying like hell that Ryan was able to save his ass because he didn’t think he’d be able to handle leaving her. Not when her family was determined to destroy her and not now when he’d realized that he couldn’t live without her.

Chapter 33

November 1st

“I’m really glad that I could be here so that you could take your pissy mood out on me,” Ryan said with a glare as he helped himself to more bacon.

“I’m not in a pissy mood,” Hunter bit out as he continued to glare at the man that had figured out a way to keep him out of jail.

“You really are,” Kylie said, frowning down at the file in front of her as she tried to figure out where the July invoice was when the doorbell rang, alerting them to the fact that the man that Hunter had called a “fucking ungrateful asshole,” was here.

“You have to do the therapy,” Ryan said, shifting his attention to the stack of files that he’d brought with him as Kylie tossed the file aside and-

“I need to answer the door,” she said when she suddenly found herself pulled onto Hunter’s lap.


“We talked about this,” she said, sighing softly, as she looked pointedly at the arms holding her hostage.

“Don’t answer that fucking door,” Hunter bit out when the doorbell echoed throughout the house for the third time as he tightened his hold around her.

“It’s either this or jail,” Ryan reminded him right around the time that Kylie decided that she’d heard enough.

“Hunter-” Kylie began only to get cut off with a, “No,” that had her shaking her head because he was being ridiculous.

“I have to answer the door,” she told him as she finally managed to wiggle out of his arms and climb off his lap before he could stop her.

“I’m not kidding, Miss Conley,” Hunter called after her.

“You’re making a big deal out of nothing,” Kylie said over her shoulder, wondering why he was being such a baby about this.

It wasn’t an ideal situation, but at least he avoided prison and to be honest, she really didn’t see what the big deal was. Having therapy three times a week wasn’t ideal, but it was better than the alternative, she thought as she opened the front door and-

“You must be Kylie,” the incredibly handsome man with steel-gray eyes and an angry scar running down the side of his face said with a boyish smile that almost made you forget that he was well over six feet tall, packed with muscle, and looked like he was ready to kill at a moment’s notice.


“Are you here to kill me?” she whispered, not all that reassured when he laughed.

“No, but I get that a lot,” he said, his eyes dancing with laughter as he leaned against the doorframe.

“I believe it,” Kylie said, nodding solemnly as she suddenly found herself picked up and placed behind Hunter.

“Thanks for coming, Grey,” Ryan said with a pointed glare in Hunter’s direction as he joined them right around the time that Kylie decided to make herself scarce.

With that in mind, she turned around and headed to the office so that Hunter could have his therapy session in peace and found herself smiling when she thought about last night. Last night had been…


Okay, so terrifying might not be the best word to describe last night, but it was close. Sort of. God, she wasn’t even making sense to herself, she thought, unable to help but smile as she pulled out the desk chair and-

“It’s not fucking happening,” Hunter snarled as he stormed into the office and dropped his weight on the leather couch.

“You don’t have a choice,” Ryan snapped as he stormed into the room after him while Kylie stood there, blinking and unable to help but wonder why they were in here right now.

“Kylie,” Grey, Hunter’s new therapist and the man that he clearly hated, murmured in greeting as he walked into the room.

“Get someone else,” Hunter bit out with a murderous glare aimed at Grey that the much larger man easily ignored as he strolled around the office, taking in the books on the bookshelves and the pictures and awards that she’d had framed for Hunter on the walls before pausing on the picture that Hunter had taken of her.

“There is no one else, asshole,” Ryan bit out Copyright 2016 - 2024