Devastated (Anger Management #1) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,34

to tell him all those things that she was keeping from him. But most of all, he wanted to know what had sent her running, scared out of her mind, into his office last night.

And he would find out, he decided as he gently brushed her hair behind her ear so that he could watch her as she worried her bottom lip, most likely wondering if he’d bought into her bullshit excuse. He hadn’t, but for right now he would let this one go.

“Are you ready to get out of the tub yet?” Hunter asked, running his fingers absently along her spine as he sat there, enjoying the feel of her in his arms more than he ever thought was possible.

“Maybe,” Kylie said, but made no move to climb out of the tub, he noted with a sigh as he shifted the small bundle in his arms and moved to climb out of the-

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Mr. O’Mallery,” she mumbled weakly, as she went pale, and he decided that perhaps it would be for the best if they stayed here for a little while longer.

“Hunter,” he said, wrapping his arms around her once again and held her close.

“I’m not really sure that’s appropriate,” she mumbled against his chest.

“Well, neither was asking me how it felt to shove my-”

“Hunter it is,” Kylie said, making his lips twitch.

“Are you sure you don’t want to interrogate me again?” he asked innocently, earning a one-eyed glare that had him biting back a smile. He briefly considered telling her that he’d never met any of those women that loved to email him every day, but quickly decided against it since watching her read them every morning was his favorite part of the day.

“I’m sure,” she mumbled against his chest.

“Are you sure? Because you seemed to have a lot of questions last night.”

“No, no, I’m good,” Kylie whispered weakly.

“Because I’d be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have about-”

“If you bring up anything that happened last night, I will be forced to kill you,” Kylie said, slapping her hand over his mouth as she shifted so that she could shoot him the cutest fucking glare that he’d ever seen in his life.

It was in that moment that he decided that hiring her was the best fucking decision that he’d ever made.

Chapter 16

“I’d like to hand in my resignation now,” Kylie mumbled weakly while she watched as a large horde of zombies tore apart the unfortunate man that hadn’t done enough cardio before the zombie apocalypse.

“I don’t think that’s an option,” Hunter pointed out as he grabbed another folder off the neatly organized stack that she needed him to look through before she went to the post office.

“I’m willing to take my chances,” Kylie said, nodding solemnly as she tightened her grip on the blanket that she’d been curled up in all morning as the horde of zombies went looking for dessert.

“And what would you do if you quit?” Hunter asked, tossing the folder on the couch cushion between them before grabbing the next folder.

“Most likely avoid having nightmares about zombies ripping the flesh from my bones?” she suggested, sounding hopeful as she picked up the discarded folder and added it to the neatly organized stack next to her.

“You’d miss me, Miss Haven, and we both know it,” he said, and sadly, that was actually true.

So, she didn’t argue.

“I-I should probably get to the post office before they close,” Kylie said, licking her lips nervously as she glanced at the stack of files that he still needed to go through.

“Probably,” he murmured absently, as he skimmed the next file.

“A-and I should probably go to the grocery store,” she added as she told herself to stop thinking about just how much she liked being in Hunter’s arms last night.

“You probably should,” the man that she would never be able to look in the eye again said absently, as he skimmed through another file.

For a moment, just a brief moment, she considered telling him just how very sorry she was only to decide against it since she would probably have to tell him what she was sorry for and she honestly had no idea where to begin.

One thing was for sure, she was never drinking again.

Maybe she should have taken him up on his very generous offer and taken a sick day. Then again, maybe she should apologize for accidentally kneeing him in the balls this morning, she thought only to Copyright 2016 - 2024