Devastated (Anger Management #1) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,25

everything, he swung by the hotel and figured out a few more things that they were going to need, wrote up a proposal, and the convention signed last week. In return, I was able to negotiate a better spot, the VIP room for free, and offset the cost of private security and you’ll still be able to write off the loss. Oh, and the hotel liked Tim’s security suggestions so much that they hired Shadow Securities to upgrade their system,” Kylie explained with a shrug as she handed the iPad back with the new contract opened and a, “It was in the memo I gave you last week.”

“I see,” he murmured absently, realizing why her old bosses were desperate to get her back, because something told him that he probably wasn’t going to be able to let her go either.

Chapter 12

“Is there a reason why we’re looking at pictures of dicks?” Ryan asked, as he pulled out a patio chair and sat down next to him before adding, “Is this a new fetish?”

“Visiting hours are over,” Hunter said, not bothering to look up as he scrolled down the page, seriously wondering how many times this loser was going to post pictures of his dick.

“You can’t still be mad,” Ryan said, not really looking like he cared.

“I really can.”

Shrugging it off, Ryan gestured towards the screen. “What exactly are you doing?”

“I’m checking into someone’s background,” Hunter said, as he glanced up to make sure that Kylie was still in the kitchen making lunch. When he spotted her through the kitchen’s double patio doors, he shifted his attention back to the sick fuck that she never should have married.

“And she’s into small dicks?” Ryan asked with a glance of his own towards the kitchen as he reached down and pulled a thick manila envelope from his bag and placed it on the table next to him.

“Apparently,” Hunter murmured as he scrolled through the rest of the post, making a note of the fact that the loser was bragging about having a four-inch dick.

“Is this the ex?” Ryan asked, as he absently drummed his fingertips against the tabletop.

“Yes,” Hunter said, still trying to figure out how she’d ended up with the sick fuck.

“I see,” Ryan murmured as he glanced back towards the kitchen. “And is there a reason why we’re stalking her ex online?”

“Boredom,” Hunter drawled, clicking on the next tab only to cringe when he saw the hooker sporting track marks that the little prick was bragging about fucking.

“Ah, hookers,” Ryan noted, sounding disgusted.

“It’s one of his favorite pastimes.”

The other was tearing Kylie apart, something that Hunter noted that he did when he wasn’t bragging about how many hookers he’d fucked, posting questionable porn, complaining about how fucking stupid his boss was, or bashing his clients, something that Hunter found interesting since it looked like he was logging onto this site multiple times a day from different IP addresses. He also couldn’t help but wonder how his clients would feel if they knew the electrician they’d hired was breaking into their computers and taking screenshots and sharing their files on this website.

“So, what exactly have we learned about Miss Davis?” Ryan asked, sounding amused while Hunter clicked on the next post and-

“Oh, that’s fucking disgusting,” Ryan said right around the time that Hunter decided that he’d had enough for one day.

“She married a sick fuck and her family hates her,” Hunter said, sighing heavily as he cleared the history before closing his laptop and leaned back in his chair as his attention shifted back to the woman who he still couldn’t figure out.

He wasn’t sure how it happened. One day, he was giving her busy work to keep her out of his way and the next, she was color-coordinating his files, commandeering his desk, taking over all the bullshit that he had to deal with every day, slapping post-it notes all over the fucking place, taking over the morning meetings, and shoving memos at him to look over morning, noon, and night and-

She was also the only reason that he hadn’t lost his fucking mind.

Every time the walls started to close in on him, she was there, shoving another memo in his face, keeping him company in the morning during his workout, going over memos with him during breakfast, hunting him down at lunchtime, and bugging the shit out of him to give final approval on all the shit that she did during the day that he didn’t want to do at Copyright 2016 - 2024