Devastated (Anger Management #1) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,15

he needed to know about the small woman who was sharing his sentence with him. She was a neat, no-nonsense kind of woman, and most importantly, she was desperate. She wasn’t going to cause him any problems, but just to make sure…

Hunter looked down at her phone again, noting that the only contacts were the D.A.’s office that hired her on his behalf, a number for a pizza place, and her old landlord. There were no emergency contacts or anyone listed as “Mom.” That made him curious.

“Are you an orphan?” he asked, moving onto her emails.

“No,” Kylie answered after a slight hesitation.

This was even more depressing than her contact list. Having seen more than enough, he closed the phone and tossed it on the bed. When he looked back down at the cute little thing doing her best not to look embarrassed, he realized something very important.

She needed him a hell of a lot more than he needed her.

Chapter 7


This was absolutely fascinating, Kylie thought while she took a large bite out of the mega-hot dog that she’d picked up for lunch as she scanned through another email that proved that her sex life had definitely been a joke.

Not that she would describe what she’d had as a normal sex life. She really didn’t think that she could do that when the only person that she’d ever been with hadn’t been interested in having sex with her. Granted, that probably had something to do with the fact that he’d preferred his left hand, porn, and hookers…lots and lots of hookers, to touching her.

After finding out that last part, she’d been surprisingly okay with the lack of sex. Then again, the same could also be said when she’d discovered that he was using his client’s computers, offices, and bathrooms to feed his porn addiction during the day when he was supposed to be working. She just wished that she’d…

No more wishes, Kylie reminded herself firmly as she forced her attention back to the sexually explicit email and hit delete. She had six months’ worth of emails to go through and sitting here thinking about the past wasn’t going to help her get this done. With that in mind, she opened the next email titled, “Need a hand,” and immediately deleted the email when it became obvious that another woman was offering her boss a blowjob.

This was definitely going to be an interesting job, Kylie mused as she continued going through emails, replying to some, deleting others, and flagging some all while devouring the foot-long hot dog with extra baked beans and sipping the twenty-four-ounce Coke that she’d picked up on the way back from the post office. Definitely interesting, Kylie thought, as she came across another email describing all the things her boss had done to some woman named Gillian and all the things that she wished he’d do and-

“Women actually do that?” Kylie couldn’t help but ask even as she shook her head, amazed that anyone would want a man to shove his-

“Enjoying yourself?” the man that for some reason she continuously had to remind herself had an anger problem, whispered seductively in her ear as she sat there, wondering how she should respond.

Since she didn’t think that he would appreciate an honest answer, she simply acted as though he wasn’t there and deleted the email and moved on to the next one, hoping that it was actually about security only to find another email reminiscing about just how talented his tongue was, but in a lot more detail.

A lot more.

There was a heavy sigh, and then he was reaching past her and closing the laptop, and she could honestly say that she’d never been more thankful for anything in her whole life. Not sure where she was supposed to go from here, she cleared her throat, grabbed her pen and reached for her-

“Leave it,” the man that made it a point to ignore her most of the time said when she reached for the rest of her hotdog.

Since she really wasn’t hungry anymore, and she told herself that she really hadn’t been looking forward to finishing off the one cheat meal a week that she allowed herself, she left the hot dog and reached for the-

“And the drink,” he said, not bothering to look at her as he sat down in the chair that she’d just vacated.

Biting her tongue, something that she’d gotten used to doing over the past two weeks since coming to work for him, she grabbed Copyright 2016 - 2024