Demon Loved Demon Loved (Darkest Flames #2) - Katie May Page 0,70

have zero desire to know, thank you very much.

“What about archangels?” Zolroth asks as he takes a sip of his beer. “Won’t those bloody bastards be about, scouting and such?”

Arariel shrugs, sitting back and scratching a little at the cashmere dress she’s wearing. “We haven’t been there in ages, so I really couldn’t say. They all have their own little fiefdoms, different galaxies to watch over and all that, so for all I know, they could be gone. Could be there. It’s something you’ll have to chance.”

I watch Raz’s face grow thoughtful at that. He gives a quick head jerk. “Thanks.”

Arariel shakes her head. “That’s some major balls, busting into Heaven. Lucillania know you’re doing it?” She presses her thick lips into a suspicious line as her eyes narrow.

“She knows what she needs to,” Raz replies, standing. “We’d better get going. Katrina has school tomorrow.”

Arariel shakes her head as she stands. “Raz, you really think she wants her most powerful murder walking into the heart of enemy territory?”

Raz gives a grin. And it isn’t a happy one. It’s so incredibly dark that it creates icicles in my chest. “Well, that’s the good thing about Hell, isn’t it? We don’t have to do what anyone else wants. We can do as we damn well please.”



As expected, Katrina threw a fit about being left behind. Her pink lips protruded in a pout as she crossed her arms over her chest, pushing up her ample breasts. When my eyes dipped downwards unbidden, her lips curled into a malicious smirk as she pushed them up even higher.

But I wasn’t so easily deterred.

“Stay with Adam,” I told her firmly, shoving a blade into the waistband of my pants. “I put a warding spell around the house so you guys will be safe. Anyone intending to do you or your brother harm will evaporate on sight.”

It had cost a lot of fucking money to procure such a spell from a demon who specialized in protection, but it was worth it. No one touches my fucking girl.

“But, Raz…” she protested immediately. “Akor said I could help!”

“You can help by staying safe,” I interjected in my best no-nonsense voice. And then, to soften the blow of my heated words, I leaned forward and kissed her pouty lips. It took all my self-control not to nip them. “I love you more than life itself. I’ll be back soon, baby girl.”

Now, I stand with my murder in front of a glorious sunflower field on Earth, expanding as far as the eye can see in every direction.

Does it feel right leaving Katrina and Adam at home without one of us to protect her? Not at all. But do we have a choice? Unfortunately not.

We need all hands on fucking deck for this mission, especially if we run into any wayward angel flocks. The last thing I want to do is be ripped apart because we’re lacking in numbers.

I lean against Akor’s minivan, folding my arms over my chest, and beside me, Kastros mimics my posture. His shrewd eyes assess the field with careful indifference, his mind spinning rapidly despite his silence. Always looking for a threat. Always thinking through every possible scenario.

Sometimes, I think about what life would be like if he was still the leader of the murder instead of me. Would we have found Katrina? Would we be where we are today?

Zolroth and Van are a slight distance away, speaking in hushed murmurs as they finish placing weapons on their persons. Blades, knives, guns… You can never be too careful. We have our natural powers, but we don’t know what will happen to us when we enter Heaven’s stronghold. Yeah, I’ve been up there before, but to the gardens. Not to the fucking cloud castle, the heart of it all. Despite the other murder’s reassurance, I feel nervous, on edge. They only knew about Heaven from an angel’s perspective. They’ve never entered the castle as demons. And I very much doubt it’s all as innocent as they make it out to be, otherwise, I’m sure Lucillania would have captured the damn place before this.

What’s going to happen? Will we lose our demon gifts? Will our powers work?

Akor, the crazy bastard, remains in the van, his lips moving as if he’s speaking to someone. Knowing him, he probably is. Either to himself—completely possible—or on the phone with a pissed off Katrina.

“We’re gonna need to be smart,” I murmur to Kastros out of the corner of my mouth. He grunts once Copyright 2016 - 2024