Demon Loved Demon Loved (Darkest Flames #2) - Katie May Page 0,49

grin. The tiny floof of a kitten clearly knows she’s the favorite. Just like our girl.

I ignore the whine that comes from between Jason’s lips as I check my watch. Our girl should be home from school any minute. I typically lay out an outfit for her to change into after school. Today, I can’t decide if I’d rather see her in that pretty little uniform skirt longer (my dick likes that thought) or if I’d rather she change into some yoga pants so I can see the full heart shape of her ass all evening. I bite my lip, debating, and hear the garage door start to open.

Good. They’re home!

My heart gives a little leap of excitement. I hurry towards the garage. Katrina climbs out of the van, and her skirt slides up deliciously along the back of her creamy legs, showing me a tantalizing glimpse of skin. Kastros goes over and takes her backpack from her as her luminous blue eyes turn to me.

“Welcome home, love,” I say, lifting my arms.

The others all focus on getting Adam unstrapped, but my eyes are only for my lady love. As soon as Katrina’s near, I slide an arm around her shoulders. She gently grips my waist, afraid to hurt me.

“How are you feeling today?”

“Much better actually,” I tell her as we go inside. I have to wave my hands at the menagerie, who all stuff themselves into the hallway, ready to greet everyone arriving back home.

Katrina just giggles and hands out pets to each of them. “Hello, Kat. And Katty. And Trina.” I wait patiently while she greets each little furball by name and then gives Jason a hug. I do yank him off when he starts to motorboat between her breasts though. I have to draw the line somewhere.

“All right, love, my turn for cuddles,” I tell her, very much looking forward to what’s become my favorite part of the day. I decide to forgo the outfit change for this afternoon and simply drag her to the human den with me. I pull her into the oversized leather recliner and put up the footrest. It makes for the perfect snuggle spot with my beauty.

I kiss the top of her pink hair and then drag my index finger down the silky soft skin of her cheek. “Tell me everything. I want all the gossip.”

“Tim and Wade were arguing over something in decathlon earlier,” she says. “I think it might even be about a girl. I think Wade wants Tim to break up with his girlfriend or something. He muttered, ‘Just get rid of her.’ And I didn’t even know Tim had a girlfriend!”

“Yeah, I didn’t either,” I say. None of those decathletes struck me as the ‘dating’ type. Unless it was online dating with fake photos and all. “What else?”

“Apparently, Stacy is worried about David cheating on her. Again. Every few weeks, she goes through a really insecure phase.” Katrina shakes her head, looking either sad or frustrated, I can’t really tell.

“Maybe he’s cheating with Tim!” I waggle my brows.

She laughs and pushes lightly on my chest before drawing her hand back like she’s burned it. “Did I hurt you?”

I lean in and nuzzle her nose. “Nope. Told you I was feeling better.”

“Yes, but you lie.”

“Yes, but today, I mean it.” I find my voice slipping into a weird baby-talk tone without meaning to, because apparently, that’s what love does to you—turns you into a simpering fool.

“Good,” she smiles. “Oh, also…we have a history test coming up.” She makes a grossed-out face at me. “I can’t wait for this year to be over. Though I have zero idea what I want to do after. I’m just done with tests.” She slides her leg on top of mine, and I get to see a good portion of her exposed leg. I can’t stop myself from putting my hand on her hip, but I keep it all PG-rated because Adam storms into the room just then.

“RRRRARRR! I’m a F-5 tornado! Better watch out!” He starts to spin, his dark mop of brown hair flying out as he turns in circles with his arms at full extension.

I chuckle and whisper to Katrina, “I bet you a kiss he won’t get further than ten spins.”

She grins. “You’re on.”

Unfortunately, Adam is an excellent tornado. I pout, jutting out my lower lip as he hits spin number eleven, then twelve, then thirteen, before collapsing on the carpet dramatically.

Katrina’s hand slides over my cheek, and she turns Copyright 2016 - 2024