Demon Loved Demon Loved (Darkest Flames #2) - Katie May Page 0,22

it won’t lock because he shredded the knob. He probably plans to shove something heavy in front of it too.

Silly demon.

I waggle a finger, and my pain magic strikes out like a whip. I break his big toe and watch with a smile as the big, strong demon man whimpers and grabs his foot.

While he hops around like an ugly, black flamingo, I make my way to the bed and see my Katrina’s breasts are already on display. I lick my lips. Gorgeous.

“Akor…” she breathes, her chest rising, the little points of her nipples moving up and drawing my eyes.

Raz’s hand smacks into my shoulder and shoves me sideways into a dresser that digs into my hip bone. “You interrupted us. This was my time.”

I don’t take my eyes off of Katrina. Her jaw has dropped, and my little darling looks terrified that we’re about to fight. But I can also see the tiny bit of excitement in her gaze over it. No, I’m not projecting because I want to smash Raz in the face.

Ok, fine. Maybe a little.

But blood is a turn-on, right? Women love to lick the blood of your enemies from your neck as you fuck them. Right?

I rip my arm back and take a swing, cracking Raz across the jaw. Pain sizzles down my arm, but it’s nothing compared to what my magic can make me feel. I ignore it easily. It’s like stepping on a nail, hardly noticeable.

“Make me bleed so Katrina can lick the blood,” I tell him, my dick getting hard at the thought of her tongue on me.

“Don’t do that!” Katrina immediately interjects.

She’s just playing coy. I know she’ll love the taste of blood once she gets used to it.

Raz narrows his eyes, and I dance around him, putting my hands up by my face like a boxer, my feet switching back and forth. “You want to fight over her?”

He bares his teeth at me, and I can see the pulse in his jaw quicken. Oh, he wants to fight.

But my murder leader surprises me. “No,” he growls. “I want to eat out our Center while you play with her breasts.”

If Katrina’s eyes were wide before, they’re the size of tea saucers now.

I dance closer to my beautiful cherry, dropping my fighter’s stance and lowering my palms to her stomach. I trace the outline of her bellybutton through the shredded remains of her tank top, thinking about how one day, I want to plant a baby demon in there.

I surge forward, leaping onto the bed and straddling her so I can nip at her lips, fingertips lightly pressing against her abdomen until she lies down. And the look in her eyes…

If I could bottle her eyes and keep them in my pocket I would, just so I could see that look she’s giving me right now. But alas, I’ve been officially prohibited by the devil herself from, and I quote, “Keeping body parts as souvenirs.” You cut off one penis and display it on a shelf, and suddenly, you’re too psycho even for Hell.

“Akor,” she whispers my name reverently, as if it should be worshipped, not damned. As if I’m special, not “special.”

My heart wants to leap out of my chest and into hers.

I sink my lips back down, and I feel her eyelashes flutter against my cheek as I start to kiss every square inch of my Katrina’s face.

Raz ruins a romantic moment when he comes forward and shoves me sideways so he can touch our mate too.

I growl at him, and my horns grow a little. I can feel the white tips branching off in a new direction, just like a buck’s. They do that sometimes when we’re annoyed.

Katrina’s eyes widen, and she reaches for them, her soft, little finger sliding over the tip of one of my horns.

Ohhhh. It feels almost as good as her touching my cock. Sensation spirals down my spine and makes me dizzy, erasing everything from my vision but her. I settle onto the mattress on Katrina’s left side, while Raz lays on her right. He leans down and nuzzles her earlobe, nipping, while I reach up and take the finger that’s tentatively stroking my horn and wrap her entire little hand around it.

“Stroke it like a dick,” I tell her.

She swallows hard, and I grin when I realize my little cherry doesn’t know what to do. I close my hand over hers and guide it up and down my horn until the sensation has Copyright 2016 - 2024