Demon Disgrace (The Resurrection Chronicles #8) - M.J. Haag Page 0,99

part. All I need to do is hint at what I want and I get it. Even the freedom to make my own choices about going on supply runs and guarding the walls. Granted, he sticks to me like glue, but I don’t mind that anymore. He’s saved me too many times to poo-poo his protectiveness.”

She made it sound nice and far from clingy. Could Merdon be like that? Give me freedom and distance? I watched him as we approached and somehow doubted that. Merdon would likely be my worst nightmare. Bossy and demanding. Why did my heart stutter at the thought of that?

Ahead, I saw that Merdon wasn’t the only one waiting for us. Angel and Shax were already there, too. Before shame and guilt over the previous day’s flip out could slow my steps, Angel spotted us.

“Hey, girls!” Angel said with a happy wave. “We ready to shoot some more dicks?”

“I don’t like the way you smile when you say that,” Shax said from beside her, sending her into a laughing fit.

I couldn’t help grinning at his worried frown. When Angel wrapped an arm around his waist and patted him reassuringly, he seemed to forget his worries and bent to kiss her temple in response. It was sweet.

My gaze slid to Merdon, who was standing in all his glorious disapproval off to one side, watching me with an indecipherable expression. Some of my humor faded, and I wondered what he thought of me shooting at dicks. He probably liked it, the sicko. I smirked, and his gaze narrowed in response.

“Ready?” Brenna called.

Angel and I both nodded, and Brenna picked up two bows that were leaning against the plastic pile.

“One for each of you,” she said, handing the slightly shorter bow to Angel.

I looked at the one she gave me, impressed by the carvings along the shaft.

“This is beautiful. Who made it?”

“Who do you think?” Brenna asked before launching into instruction.

My gaze slid to Merdon again. He wasn’t looking at me. Instead, he watched Brenna demonstrate stance. Holding the bow he’d made for me, I did my best to focus on Brenna as well. It wasn’t easy when my mind kept going back to this morning’s question. Who was the real Merdon?

As soon as Brenna was done, Angel and I stepped up for our turns.

“I’m so glad Brenna talked you into coming back,” Angel said as we took aim. “I don’t know about you, but another day spent watching movies might drive me insane.”

She released with a twang and groaned when the arrow missed the melted rainbow pile completely.

“I wouldn’t mind a day of movies,” I said. “Nothing but couch time and buttery popcorn sounds like a dream.”

I exhaled and watched my bolt fly true to embed in the plastic.

“You’re good,” Angel said with a shake of her head.

“I think it’s luck,” I admitted. “Not something that usually applies to me.”

“I disagree. You’re here, right?”

I was, but I would never call that luck. I’d call it a combination of fate’s cruelty and my unforgivable selfishness.

“Focus,” Merdon barked.

I scowled at him.

“I am. I hit the target, didn’t I?”

“Do it again.”

“Pierce a dick, and prove you’re a pro,” Angel said with a wink.

“I like that you miss, Angel,” Shax said. “Dicks shouldn’t be pierced.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that. If you had a Prince Albert paired with a pubic piercing, I’d never want to leave our bed.” Angel tipped her head and pointed to her ear. “The piercings I’m talking about are like the one in my ear. My ear still works and looks pretty with it.”

Shax stared at her a moment.

“We would have more sex if I pierced myself?”

The horror-filled hesitation in his voice contradicted the hope in his eyes. She laughed.

“Don’t worry, baby. It would take a professional body piercer to do that, and as far as I know, that’s a skill that was lost with the quakes.”

His disappointment and relief were laughable.

“We’re going to Tenacity after lunch,” I said. “I can ask around to see if anyone has any experience.”

“Whatcha heading over there for? Need any help?”

“Not sure about the help, but you’re welcome to come,” I said. “Emily is planning on visiting some of the single ladies. She wants to put in a good word for the fey and drum up some volunteers for their dinner dates.”

“I heard about those. If you need an extra set of hands, I’m a decent cook. And I’m a great fey interpreter if things ever get awkward.”

She looked at me hopefully Copyright 2016 - 2024