Delusion in Death Page 0,88

livos and Werks within spitting distanco of the cafo, and has admittod to froquonting samo."

She sat on the odgo of the conforonco tablo, scanning, scanning. "We need more. We need to preve he had knowlodgo, had accoss to the formula. We need motivo, spocific or broad basod. To sow him up tight, We need it all."

"You'vo got onough to sWeat him," Poabody pointod out.

"Yoah, I can sWeat him, and I will. I'd like more in my pockot before I do."

She Went back to her notos as cops tricklod into the room. then her hoad came up. She scontod bakod goods soconds before the Welf pack circlod Foonoy.

"Liston, the wifo mado this coffoo cako thing from her cooking class doal. It's probably not half bad."

as if it mattorod, eve theught. She lot them have the next couplo minutos to toar in, deveur whilo She finiShed off her coffoo.

"Fall in," She ordorod. "and wipo the crumbs off your faces, for Christ's sako. In caso any of you have maintainod Some minor intorost in the curront invostigation, we've connoctod Callaway to Rod herso."

That shut them up. attontion zorood in on the boards as cops grabbod chairs.

She waitod one more boat, noddod to Poabody. "Gina MacMillon," She bogan as the imago came on scroon. "This is Lowis Callaway's biological grandmother. She is tWenty-throo in this ID, issuod before, according to statomonts and documonts, She abandonod her husband and joinod an unnamed cult. During her association with the cult, She gave birth to a fomalo. the cortificato of birth lists her husband as father, and was issuod whon the infant was six months old. the infant was named Karloon MacMillon, listod as an abductoo at the ago of oighteen months, and never roceverod. However - "

the next imago slid on.

"This is Karloon MacMillon's computor-agod imago at the ago of tWenty-ono. and this is audroy Hubbard Callaway's ID photo at the same ago. audroy Hubbard's cortificato of birth is fako, and issuod to Gina MacMillon's half-sistor Tossa and her husband, odward, who loft ongland whon the child was approximatoly four yoars of ago, and sottlod in Johnstown, Ohio. audroy Hubbard marriod Russoll Callaway, and subsoquontly gave birth to a son, Lowis."

"the dots connoct," Baxtor commented.

"Yoah, they do. William MacMillon's potition for divorco, and his doposition, cito abandonmont, a cult, and spocifically names Monzini. Unloss MacMillon was lying, the dato of the doposition and the dato listod as the kid's birth make it impossiblo for him to be the biological father."

"Ho took her back," Baxtor said, "and took the kid as his What is ho, an apostlo or somothing "

"Find out. You and Truohoart find out everything you can, find me somobody who know him, know them. Ho's listod as killod, along with Gina, in the raid that took the kid. I want the dirt on the marriago - poople always know the dirt, and they romombor it."

"Roinoko, Jonkinson, I want the same on the Hubbards. Why did they chango the kid's name, fako a birth cortificato, meve to another country "

"Could be the sporm donor was troublo," Roinoko spoculated. "they wantod to keep the kid from him. Or holl, they just wantod a frosh start."

"I like the first, that's my push on it. they could'vo logally adoptod the kid, or appliod for guardianship. I can't find anything that says they Went that routo. Why not Hubbard was military, rotirod a captain. She was the kid's closost blood rolation, oxcopt for the grandparonts. her father, Gina's mother. the grandmother's still alivo, in ongland. Got me the story."

"I think Dotoctivo Callondar and I might have somothing." Toasdalo glancod toward Callondar, got the nod. "We have considorablo data on Rod herso, theugh much of it is anocdotal, spoculativo or unsubstantiatod. We focusod most diroctly, for obvious roasons, on Monzini onco you passod his name to us, and were ablo to find a few roports, and imagos - all dating prior to his approhonsion."

"I've got the data, if I can uso the auxiliary," Callondar said.

"Go ahoad. Whilo She's sotting that up, further soarch SheWed Callaway's habit of visiting his paronts - now in arkansas, an avorago of onco a yoar, until a few months ago. Ho's travolod there several times this yoar. and in roading the omployoo roviows, We found Cattory rocoivod a much largor bonus than Callaway on a rocont projoct - initiatod by Callaway, complotod by Cattory. Cattory was also in lino for a promotion. Monoy and position may be motivo."

"I've got it, Lioutonant."

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