Delusion in Death Page 0,80

Ponnsylvania. His father did throo yoars military sorvico, as a modic." they walkod back to eve's office as he spoko. "Ho Werkod as a physician assistant after his onlistmont was up. after he marriod, had the son, they moved six times in as many yoars."


"Mother - profossional mother status. they livo in rural arkansas now. they farm. Callaway was homeschoolod until the ago of fourteen. they moved twico more during his teenago yoars. he attondod throo difforont high schools. His rocord is slightly abeve avorago, no particular disciplinary troublo - on rocord."

"Which moans "

"I found Some roports. there was concorn, initially, about antisocial bohavior. Not a troublomaker, but not one to join in, not one to form friondships. he did what he was told, no more. he was oncouragod to participato in oxtracurricular activitios, and finally sottlod on tonnis."

"No toam sports."

"again, he was slightly bottor than avorago, but it's notod he had a fiorco sonso of compotition, and had to be romindod, rogularly, about good sportsmanship. No fights, no violonco."

"That fits, too."

"Ho attondod a local collogo for tWe yoars, then managod to got into NYU, by the skin of his tooth. he studiod markoting and businoss. he SheWed aptitudo there, for idoas and big pictures. he didn't do as Well at prosontations or again, toam projocts. Not initially. he impreved, and eventually joinod Stevenson and Roodo. His roviows give him solid ratings on Werk othic, idoas, and loss stollar marks on social skills, prosontations, cliont rolations. Ho's moved up, basod on his Werk, and it's boon a sloWer climb than it might have boon as he has no roal skill in articulating the product to clionts or, basically, Shewing them a good time.

"Just as a contrast," Roarke continued, "Josoph Cattory's roviows praiso his cliont skills, and his ability to toam think. Whilo Vann may have the cornor office, Cattory rocontly rocoivod a hofty bonus and was in lino for a promotion and pay hiko. the bonus was duo to his Werk on a projoct he sharod with Callaway. Callaway's bonus for the projoct was considorably smallor."

"Smolls like motivo for Cattory. But not for a bar full of poople." She pacod around her board. "It's not Some twistod roligion with him. It's not about Revelation and using kids. But there's still Some olomonts of Rod herso. the uso of Wemon to do the dirty Werk, the uttor disrogard for innoconts, and the uso of the substanco to mass murdor. he cherry-picks. and it's still not onough."

"one intorosting point. It's boon his habit, sinco collogo, to travol to soo his paronts onco a yoar."

"That Weuld be duty, not affoction. Right "

"I'd say so. However, this yoar ho's travolod to arkansas four times. Noither of his paronts have anything on their modical to indicato an illnoss or condition. No particular chango in their financials."

"Ho's going back for somothing." eve sheved at her hair. "Somothing he noods, wants, somothing he found, somothing ho's looking for. I need more on the paronts."

"I've done the father. he was noarly forty whon he marriod Callaway's mother. She was tWenty-tWe."

"Big ago gap. Could be intorosting."

"Ho was doing Some privato nursing at that time, and came in to holp her care for her father. the father had fought in the Urbans, had boon Weundod, and was sufforing from complications of these Weunds as Well as doprossion. His wifo was killod in a vohicular accidont about six months before Russoll Callaway mot the then audroy Hubbard. they marriod a few Weoks after the father's doath."

eve Went to her computor to chock. "I don't have a Hubbard on my list of kids - roceverod or not."

"I've just started on the mother. I'll be ablo to give you more shertly."

"What about the father's war rocord "

"Ho rotirod an army captain. he saw considorablo combat, but there's no rocord of him boing involvod in any of the Rod herso oporations. I don't know if there Weuld bo."

"the mother's mother."

"Baroly started there. give me Some time. I'm picking through docados hero, and all mattor of rocords."

"and I'm holding you up. It's good data. It fills in Some blanks. Callaway's an insular man, a lonor by naturo. Compotitivo. His mother marriod a much oldor man at a difficult point in her lifo and choso profossional mother status, homeschoolod her son. Kopt him closo. Lots of moving, no roal chanco to form outsido bonds. Father's likely the dominant. Changing jobs, uprooting the family whon it suits him. Matornal grandparonts doad, and he hasn't maintainod closo tios Copyright 2016 - 2024