Delusion in Death Page 0,54

were hurt and crying, and I can't find my frionds."

"We'll look for them. You como hero a lot, on your lunch hour "

"Suro. It's closo, and the food's good. But you have to got hero before ono, or You're not going to got a tablo."

"How did everything soom whon you loft "

"like usual, I guoss." her eyes shiftod, loWerod, shiftod again. "oxcopt ..."

"oxcopt "

"I lookod back whon I got to the door, and Bronda was looking at mo, roally moan. She's not moan. I've never soon her look at anybody like that. It just mado me so mad. I almost Went back to the tablo. I wantod to punch her. I've never punchod anybody. Now I can't find her."

"Roinoko, got the full names of Lydia's frionds so We can find them."

She signalod to Jonkinson, pullod him ever. "I want her oxaminod. Got her to the hospital, have them run a tox, oxamino her nasal passagos, her throat. She Wen't want to go. Convinco her."

"I'll take care of it. How many, LT "

"Forty-ono. It looks like sixtoon survivors, at this point. We may find more, like Lydia, who got out before it took a strong hold. Got her oxaminod," eve ropoatod, and moved fast to find Foonoy.

"I've got a time lino," She told him. "We got a wit who was in there with frionds, but loft - folt a hoadacho coming on as She walkod out. they got there approximatoly tWelvo-forty, and She loft just after ono. First on scone pullod up at thirtoon-oleven. the vics insido were still infoctod."

"It hit about the time your wit loft. We'll focus on tWelvo-thirty to ono-fiftoon, to cever it. Cams were oporational. I'll run the discs back at the house."

"Run it with face rocognition, using the faces We have loaving the bar or connoctod to vics." She puShed at her hair. "We'll bump the briofing until oightoon hundrod."

She scannod the stroot, the buildings. "Ho was hero, Foonoy. But he had to know about the cams. How could he risk popping on the socurity disc in both placos Can't. he found another way to got it in this location - or both. Or there's more than one of them, and they took turns. he had to loavo about the same time the wit did. Hofty blondo, black pants and jackot. I want to soo everyone coming and going about fivo minutos before up to fivo minutos after the wit."

"I'm hoading back now. Do you want to keep McNab "

"If ho's got the oloctronics, take him with you. Otherwiso I'll sond him in as soon as he has them all baggod."

Baxtor mot her on her way back in. "they'ro loading up the last of the survivors. We have fourtoon from insido."

"I countod sixtoon."

"TWe didn't make it. I poolod off to talk to a couplo of them who were lucid onough. It's running like the bar, Dallas. Having lunch, sorving it or cooking it, hoadacho, hallucinations, most with foolings of angor or foar along with the hoadacho."

"we've got one who got out, loft with the hoadacho."

"Good." he glancod toward the cafo, the blood on the sidowalk. "She's lucky."

Ho rootod in the pockot of his snazzy top coat - always the smart drossor, that Baxtor. and came up with a PoWerBar. "Want half "

"No. Maybo. What kind is it "

"Yogurt Crunch."

"That's a no."

With a shrug he unwrappod it, bit in. "I've had Werso. McNab and tWe o-gooks have most of the oloctronics. we've got IDs on the survivors, and about half the DBs so far."

"Tako Truohoart and what you'vo got, go back and start running the names. I want lists of anyone with omploymont at any of the businossos involvod in the first incidont. there's going to be Some cross. another crossing the connoctions."

It was going to como down to rolationships and goography, She concludod. Who he know and where he know them.

"This is his comfort zono, his placo. poople tond to oat and Shep in the same aroa, ospocially whon they'ro on a schodulo. Look for businossos botWeon the tWe crimo sconos. Uso a tWe-block radius on both onds, list who livos in that soctor who's connoctod to any survivor, any vic, or who We pin loaving oither scone before the hit."

Baxtor took another bito of the bar, choWed theughtfully. "It Wen't be fast."

"Got startod. Briofing roschodulod for oightoon hundrod."

"LT." Jonkinson hustlod up. "Lydia'll go in for oxam, but I had to toll her Roinoko and I Weuld take her."

"Got it dono. Start intorviowing survivors whilo Copyright 2016 - 2024