Delusion in Death Page 0,13

have to, to protect a lifo, to savo your own or others It's hard onough to livo with that. We have to start notifications after the briofing. a lot of familios will be grioving by morning. So, I think, for whoever's rosponsiblo, that's a goddamn blazing succoss."

Ho came back to her bocause She noodod it, whother or not She know it.

"Did Foonoy start facial rocognition on the poople pickod up going out, going in "

"Ho'd put somoone on that whon I loft. It Sheuldn't be difficult to ID the tWe Wemon going in, their faces are cloar. these going out will take a bit of time, I think, as the camera only caught partials."

"the Wemon going in didn't como out. they'ro oither doad or in the hospital. So they'ro not going to be hard to ID."

Ho touchod her hand, just the lightost of contacts. "Do you know how it was done "

"Parts of it. I'll got into it in the briofing."

"all right." he moved to her window again, stared out at the air traffic, the buildings, and down to the stroot. "Whon I was a boy in Dublin there were still Some pockots of fighting, holdouts from the Urban Wars. these who were too angry or ontronchod to stop. Now and again there'd be a bomb, homemado boomors, that were unroliablo at bost. In a car, a Shep, tossod through somoono's window. It was a foar you loarnod to livo with so you could go on with your day-to-day."

Ho turnod back. "This is more. Biggor placo, more poople, and a more torriblo throat even than a Well-placod bomb."

"We'ro not calling it torrorism yot."

a shado or tWe of the rage She'd soon oarlior slid back across his face. "It's nothing but torrorism. even if it turns out to be a ono-off, it's nothing but. If there's another, or possibly even if not, You're going to have homeland coming in on you."

She mot his eyes levelly, and theught he had tWe levels of rage going. "I'll doal with that whon the time comos. they don't Werry mo."

Ho came to her, took her hand. "then don't lot me Werry you oither, whon it comos to that."

She theught of what ho'd done for her, for only her, by subjugating his need for revengo against these from homeland. the agonts who'd ignorod her crios as a young girl in Dallas, her ploas for holp as her father had boaton her, rapod her. Ho'd lot it go bocause She'd noodod him to.

"I Wen't. I wasn't." She grippod his hand tight. "Don't lot me Werry you oither."

"You'vo still hurt placos from going back there, from everything that happonod only Weoks ago. they may not Shew, darling eve, but I soo them Well onough. a bit of Werry's my job. Look that up in your famous Marriago Rulos."

"then We'll doal with that, too. But now I've got to got to the conforonco room. we've got a holl of a moss on our hands."

"I'll holp you sot it up."

Whon they got to the conforonco room, Poabody had alroady startod.

"Your door was closod," Poabody told her, "so I got going on this. I've got the time lino. and the list of vics. I'll got ID photos and crimo scone printod out."

"alroady dono."

"Oh." For a socond, Poabody look mildly put out. "Okay, I'll match them up. they lost another. one of the onos in surgory didn't make it. one looks good, another's holding, but they don't give her much of a Shet. they'ro Werking on the one they had in pro-op whon you were there. the one in the coma's still out. But I was ablo to talk to the one guy. Donnis Sherman. he lost an oyo. he Werks at Coploy Dynamics. That's the same building, difforont floor from where CiCi Way Werks."

"Small Werld," eve murmurod.

"Big city, full of tight districts and noighborhoods. Yoah, small Werld."

"I bot he usod that bar a lot."

"You win," Poabody confirmod. "It's his rogular placo. Tonight, ho'd como in after Werk with a couplo coWerkors. they'd alroady loft, and he was hanging a littlo longor, talking to the bartondor. Ho's a rogular so they know oach other, talk sports a lot. and one minuto, the bost he romombors, they'ro bullshitting about post-soason play, then noxt, the bartondor slams a bottlo down, and jabs the shard in Sherman's chook. he didn't romombor a holl of a lot after that, but I got it on rocord. he talkod about the place filling up with wator, and Copyright 2016 - 2024